Jittery Joe's Fall Classic Century
A ride benefiting Athens Area Habitat for Humanity
Saturday October 25, 2008 8:00 am
Athens, GA- Jittery Joe's and Athens Area Habitat for Humanity present the first annual Fall Classic Century bike ride on October 25, 2008. The participation ride will be a metric century with two course lengths, 62 miles and 31 miles. Ride starts at Jittery Joe's in Watkinsville and winds through scenic Oconee county.
Participate in the Gambler, an entertaining twist to a regular ride! Start with a playing card, gather three on the ride at checkpoints with refreshments, and the final card will be given at the finish. The cyclist with the best hand wins a prize!
Registration is $25 per person before October 17,2008; $30 after. Family rate is $75 (pre-registration only). Be a phantom rider for $30 (Receive a bag but not participate). Register by mailing completed form (make checks payable to Athens Area Habitat for Humanity) or online at
www.active.com. Registration and packet pickup begins at 6:30 am on 10/25. You may also pick up your packet all day on Friday Oct 24 at Jittery Joes in Watkinsville.
For additional information contact Athens Area Habitat at 706-208-1001 or visit
This message was edited by AthensHabitat on 9-3-08 @ 10:46 AM