Hey, 10thgear/Arlen: Thanks so much for checking in with me. You're just the person I need to talk to. I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants on this thing. Currently I'm working through our local parks and recreation department, and I'm not sure about insurance although all participants will be signing waivers, pretty much standard procedure. How might I get involved with an "Adventure Crew"? That sounds like a great connection.
The deeper I get into this, the more frightening/exciting it gets. I'll be holding my first meet/greet/orientation session in early March. I've got a few kids interested through the local high school. Once parks and rec. starts advertising, I hope to snag a few more. The minimum age for my group, as I said, will be 15, so I'm planning on pretty ambitious rides. The three months of training and specific benchmarks will get everyone in line for the big tour.
My route is going to be a monster loop that starts and ends in Big Pine, CA. We'll ride north along the eastern Sierras until Bridgport then head into Nevada, eventually trending east through Fallon. At Middlegate, we head south, south, south through remote and wild country, eventually just east of the White Mountains. We'll climb over those at Westgard Pass and drop right back to the starting point.
Any ideas on getting donated gear? Boy, a small fleet of BOB's would work wonders! These could be used year after year with different riders and bikes. Right now, I haven't come down strong one way or the other in terms of sag or not. It depends on the group, their resources, etc. I'll probably sag, but I'm holding on to the purist dream for a bit longer.
I'll check out your site.