Author Topic: Introduce Yourself  (Read 102473 times)

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Offline jsieber

Introduce Yourself
« on: February 18, 2009, 06:42:08 pm »
This thread is for people to introduce themselves to the the community. Open to Adventure Cycling members and non members alike I'm hoping that this thread can break the ice and allow this board to help Colorado cyclists meet and get to know each other.

A quick self introduction. I'm John Sieber, the IT Manager/Web Developer here at Adventure Cycling Association. As I'm based in Missoula, MT I won't be a regular contributor to this board but wanted to get this thread started. Feel free to discuss any topics about cycling in Colorado.


Offline janebeitler

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 11:55:39 pm »
Hi, my name is Jane. I live in Lafayette, Colorado. I am interested in knowing more about local tours. I have heard of the Tour of Colorado, but I'm not quite in shape for it this year. I am new to touring so I would like to know about different tours around or near Colorado. I am training this year for longer rides so that I can join a long tour next season.

Offline FrankMoritz

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 04:50:32 pm »
Hi, all !

I am Frank Moritz, and I live in Centennial, CO which is just south of Denver. I am an Adventure Cycling tour leader and training instructor, and I'm also a member of ACA's Board of Directors.

Wally Werner and I have agreed to moderate this first-ever statewide Adventure Cycling member forum in the hope that it will respond to many requests from our Colorado members for a way to make it easier for members here to get together for local rides and other gatherings. The co-moderator of this forum is my neighbor, Wally Werner. Wally is also a long-time ACA tour leader, and is a primary instructor and curriculum developer for our training courses. Together, we hope to generate a lively exchange of cycling-related ideas and information among our members here -- and also with anyone who is interested in travel by bicycle.

We will look in on this forum on a regular basis, but it will be primarily up to the participants to keep the conversation and the exchange of information going. However, if you have a concern or a question for which you need an urgent response, I invite you to contact me directly:
303.779.6135 (home)
303.880.4380 (cell)
Adventure Cycling Tour Leader
Member, Board of Directors

Offline terryalexander

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2009, 09:52:09 pm »
Hi, my name is Terry Alexander. I live in Salida, Co. My wife(Helen) and I moved here from Carbondale,Co. two and a half years ago. FYI.  There is a couple from Carbondale,Co. two days ago completed a 18,000 mile bike trip from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Tierra del Fuego two days ago. Their names are Ralph and Pat Wanner. You can visit their website and check out their amazing journey, which took them 614 days. Their website is Anyway, the weather is so nice here in Salida. We are even starting to ride. Happy trails,  Terry

Offline Aloha_Cyclist

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 03:20:52 pm »
I left one paradise(Colorado) for another(Hawaii). I lived on the western slope in the late 70's and early 80's (Gunnison and Crested Butte). Never imagined one day I'd be riding back through the old stomping grounds on the western express route while touring America. I so look forward to it.
I'll be passing through Colorado in mid september and hoping to share some miles with anyone who may be interested in riding along for a while. Looking forward to again seeing some of the west's best.

Happy Trails,

Offline Jack Turner

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 08:13:35 pm »

My name is Jack Turner and I have been involved with ACA since the 70's.  I have worked with the tours group for a number of years as mechanic and staff.  I have owned a couple of different bike shops in the Boulder area and work as a pro mechanic on both European and domestic teams as well as catering ACA tours.  I am married to Kathy Jordan, the caterer for most of the supported tours, and we will be catering 7-8 of the supported tours for 2011.  We had a great year in 2010 catering 11 tours.

Although I currently reside in Lake Stevens, Washington I am excited to see a forum deticated to Colorado.  Until late 2008 I lived in Colorado for 27 years and love cycling there.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about the bike, training or anything about ACA.

Keep the rubber side down...

Jack Turner

Hi, my name is Jane. I live in Lafayette, Colorado. I am interested in knowing more about local tours. I have heard of the Tour of Colorado, but I'm not quite in shape for it this year. I am new to touring so I would like to know about different tours around or near Colorado. I am training this year for longer rides so that I can join a long tour next season.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 06:04:10 pm by jackturner »

Offline gjjmtnus

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2009, 11:23:14 am »
Hi, I'm Jeff.  I've lived in CO for 7+ years, transplanted from MN.  I've done alot of long distance mt biking, and since moving here in 01', I've completed different sections of ridable trails of highest possible altitude.   As a family man, I haven't been as active or in as great a shape as in my bachelor years, but am still obsessed with riding, especially in the high country.  Always looking for someone of similar riding interest and background to join me in a summer venture. 
Climb till there is no trail, then keep climbing.

Offline elenihan

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 05:19:21 pm »
 hi there, i'm ed lenihan, and i live in boulder, having moved here from new england 4 years ago.....i love the cycling here!

Offline rray

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2009, 05:19:36 pm »
My name is Richard. I have a connection to Adventure Cyclist that goes back to the 70s. I worked on the radio in Missoula at KGVO and tried in vain to convince my boss that he should send me out on the road on my bicycle to do live updates of the 1976 bike centenial ride. I've done Ride the Rockies in the past and now that my kids have left home I'm getting back into bicycling more seriously. Well..."seriously" isn't probably the best word. Consistant fun is a better description. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and doing some longer rides along the front range.

Richard Ray

Offline BikeTracks

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 05:26:14 pm »
Greetings everyone!  What a great idea to extent this site for local networking!

My name is Kristal Kraft, I've been a member of ACA for a long time, but have never taken a tour with them.  I do variously enjoy each and every trip in the magazine!

In 2000 I rode Odyssey 2000 around the world (47 countries on 6 continents).  It was an interesting trip to say the least and a highlight of my life.

I haven't ridden much since, but would love to get back to riding more.  I live in Lone Tree, which is a suburb of Denver to the south.

Hope to connect with many here.

Somewhere on the road, planet earth,

Offline Mikaelbb

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 08:11:15 pm »

My name is Michael.  My wife and I have been doing self-contained tours for about 20 years, but I have noticed that as our bicycles have gotten older, they seem to be slowing down :).  We live in Boulder would love to meet other ACA members to arrange/join day trips or short tours here in Colorado
Michael Chapman

Offline TerryHowe

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2009, 08:54:29 pm »
Hi all, I'm Terry and ACA lifer.  My wife and I went transam in '94 (Virginia to Oregon) and '96 (California to Florida).  Our first trip, we went by ourselves and our second trip we went with ACA.  Both trips were great, but I liked the group trip better.  The food was better for sure.

Virginia in '94

Currently, we live in Durango and I mostly mt bike, the high altitude stuff being the best!  Give a holler Jeff if you are out in Durango.

Offline herrmann.bill

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2009, 10:10:15 pm »
Hi to All:

     (Especially Hi to Frank M and Jack Turner)  I rode B76 in 76 and have led and/or staffed a bunch of ACA self supported and events since then.  This year I am co-directing Relaxed Idaho and staffing Montana Divide.
     Moving to Colorado just last year (2008) I'm anxious to get on the road again.  Anyone passing thru Alamosa is welcome to stop for a chat or backyard camping and a shower. (But I won't be here too much in summer....I teach at Adams State).
     Today I did the eight miles south of Del Norte on Great Divide trail and it was Great!  Uphill and headwind for 1.25 hours.....back down in .25 hours.
     Saturday Night (Feb 28) I plan on being at Waterloo Icehouse in Louisville,CO about 9PM if anyone cares to stop by.  (Look for the short grey-bearded guy...ok so that applies to a lot of us but I will try to wear my ACA ball cap)
(309) 255-4014.


Bill Herrmann

Offline 924285

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2009, 11:49:36 pm »
my name is roy leinfuss, i live in usual loop is fairplay to hartsel to trout creek pass back to fairplay.i switch directions every other is the harsel loop.been a member of bikecentennial/adventure cycling,starting in 1987, took some time off and now have been a member for 11 everyday i ride here i'm on the transamerica for 18 miles.i've had plenty of tourons,stay at the house on their journey.people have shown me tremendous kindness on my trips.i've lived in colorado since 1983, and have been "seen" by millons on this route,plus us 50 between co.114 and montrose and co. 125/127 between walden,co. and saratoga,wyoming.this winter has been great for riding,unlike last years fiasco.i used to ride us 285 to buena vista ,co.9 to guffy and us 24 to lake george.drives of cars have gotten more impatient, so i don't bother with those  really anymore.hoosier pass is the same way, really aggressive driving.i warn all tours comig through to really,really be careful.i've riden almost evey paved pass and a bunch of unpaved passes on my road bike, want  a good one engineer pass out of lake city...riden to california 4 times from here, 2007 biggest ride, 5200 miles via 5 routes of adventure cycling and 1 my own way. if colorado was summer year round, i'd be homeless.....such a great way to see the world

Offline northboundtrain

Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2009, 10:25:44 am »
Hi, I'm Jeff, and I live in Boulder.  I got into touring last year, and I'm hooked.  There's just something amazing about traveling by bicycle.  I've done a couple of multi-week, multi-state solo tours, but I'd also like to do some shorter duration touring around CO this year, and I'm sure having other people to ride and camp with would enhance the experience.  Despite living here for 12+ years, there's still much of this beautiful state that I haven't yet explored.