Author Topic: big, wide feet need touring shoes  (Read 20118 times)

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Offline 48wbigfeet

big, wide feet need touring shoes
« on: February 10, 2009, 01:19:47 pm »
I have size 48 wide feet. I would like to get shoes for spd cleats so I can walk on them.  Does anyone know of any shoes that come in wide sizes?  Sidi makes several models but are not very walker friendly.

Offline staehpj1

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 02:50:11 pm »
I love my Sidi Mega Bullet 2s.  They worked out fine for tours ranging from short to a TA (73 days).  They were fine for short hikes.  We seldom hiked more than 2-3 miles though.  We carried Crocs and wore them (off bike) for a change of pace part of the time and always in camp.  They were fine for short hikes too.

Sidi's in the Mega models are great for wide feet.  The Bullet 2 was my choice over the Dominator, because they are cheaper and I like the velcro closure better than the ratchet buckles any way.

Offline RussSeaton

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 05:38:54 pm »
Biking sandals for certain situations.

Offline WesternFlyer

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2009, 12:28:57 am »
Try the Cannondale Roam.  Nashbar has them on sale for $45.  They are built on a wider last than other SPD shoes I have used.  I got mine at REI two years and have maybe 5000 to 6000 K on them.  They are still in reasonable shape, but I might replace them soon.  I don't know if other Cannondale shoes are equally wide.
Western Flyer

We must ride light and swift.  It is a long road ahead.

King Theoden

Offline paddleboy17

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2009, 01:15:57 pm »
I think you will find that bike shoes allow you to walk short distances, but that you would hardly go hiking in them.  Your real answer may be to carry allow along a set of footware suitable for your walking needs.

Offline BernieK

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 12:23:49 am »
Try the Taho, made by Specialized.  It's a lace-up, so it typically will accommodate a wider foot very comfortably.  It's also designed so that the toe box flexes while you walk, but the sole remains rigid while riding.  Very comfortable shoe both on and off the bike.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 04:30:50 am »
I don't know about wide shoes, but I do know it is to your advantage to use a good touring shoe, one you can walk in too. The difference between  a running shoe and a good cycling shoe really begins to tell when you are pedaling your loaded bike up hills. I have toured in different kinds of shoes. Next tour you can bet I will have cycling shoes.

Offline notoldyet

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2009, 09:18:11 am »
I use SIDI Mega Dominators - they seem to be easier to walk on than the road shoes, but I wouldn't want to hike in them. They look fairly odd around the grocery store, too :).

They did not completely solve my wide-foot issues though. I still was regularly getting pain in my leg near the end of 40+ miles, even after releasing the shoes' Velcro and ratchet straps a bit to promote blood flow. What seemed to work for me (YMMV) was adding an insole to the shoe. My theory is that this raised my foot above the rigid portion of the shoe, or it just allowed my feet to swell any way they wanted to. Regardless of "how" it worked, it has made a world of difference.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2009, 10:38:54 pm »
Lake has wide sizes and two they call touring shoes plus the mountain shoes. I just bought the MX 90 only because the sole was less agressive than the MX 101. The factor told me they were the same as far as stiffness. Don't believe the website which says the wides are out of stock. call or write them because I got the wide only because of direct communication.  Most local stores unfortunately don't stock wides.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2009, 12:49:37 pm »
I also have Sidi Mega Dominator shoes.  No, I would not want to walk very far in them either.  I also have semi-custom footbeds.  An orthopedic technician modified a set of Simple Feet foot beds for me by gluing foam on the bottom, and then milling the foam to cant the foot beds.  It is a correction that I need.  You should be able to replace the foot beds in your shoes to make them more comfortable.

My other shoes are a discontinued Specialized shoe that just happen to have a wide toe box.

I don't think I could go hiking in any of the bike shoes I have ever owned.

I did once ride up to site on the Goulais River near Searchmont, Ontario.  Darn near killed myself climbing on the rocks as the steel cleats stuck out far enough to be unexpectedly slippery.  I would have been a lot safer had I brought tennis shoes.

Offline DaveB

Re: big, wide feet need touring shoes
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2009, 01:21:07 pm »
MTB shoes do recess the cleats far enough to make walking possible and even rather easy but they were never intended to be hiking boots. 

If you plan to do a lot of walking or hiking on bike tours you should include suitable shoes with your gear.  For that matter, I wouldn't want to spend every waking hour in riding shoes of any kind even if I didn't plan on a lot of off-the-bike walking.