Author Topic: Yellowstone to Badlands  (Read 26700 times)

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Offline denbec

Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2008, 11:28:14 pm »
To the Shultz's - I'm sorry to keep bothering you especially since I know you have answered many questions while on your trip.  But I'm still plotting my route through WY, Yellowstone and connecting to the NT (with advice from Lightspeed and Jimbo) and I have 2 questions:

1.  Your route after Yellowstone is hard to follow on the map in your blog and I was wondering why you didn't just exit Yellowstone at Hwy 14 and take that across?  I read your Alt 14 story again and I defnitely want to avoid that!  
2.  If I'm reading Jimbo's directions correctly, he says take 89 to 12 - but you mention Norris, Ennis, Cameron which goes off in a more west direction (renenber I'm going west on my trip) . Did you end up on that route because of the side trip to Bozeman?

Jimbo and Lightspeed are certainly welcome to answer as well.  Thanks again to all.

Offline jfitch

Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2008, 12:17:13 am »
"Unless I find a better forum, I will probably keep my current blog I started a while back for this ride..."

I might suggest as a better forum. You'll reach a whole lot of touring bicyclists there who would never hear of you otherwise.

Offline schultzbike

Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2008, 01:48:03 am »
Hello denbec, to answer your first question, we chose to go over Beartooth Pass for the simple and possibly silly reason that it is almost 11,000 ft and we knew it would be gorgeous and epic (which it was).  14A naturally followed as the apparent direct route across N. WY.  Honestly, we didn't notice that Big Horn pass was actually longer and steeper until the day before it.  We probably would have gone the Greybull/Shell route had we realized that it would be less crazy.  Going west, however, it will be less of an issue for you.  No regrets here though, it was still a phenomenal experience.  

Our route through Norris, Ennis, & Cameron was following Adv Cycling's Transam Route.  We met our friends in Ennis because it was the closest point on the route to Bozeman.  Hwy 89 to 12 would probably be a good way to link up to the N. Tier; I haven't been that way.  There were some significant climbs on our route between W. Yellowstone and Missoula, but all worth it.  It is spectacular country.  You may want to consider Adv Cycling's Great Parks route from Missoula to the N. Tier.  Either way, you can't lose.  Best of luck to you.  My advice to you right now is to take as long as you possibly can on your trip.  Don't worry about the most direct route, follow what's interesting to you.

Offline denbec

Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2008, 10:36:50 am »
Thanks Jfitch for the forum adivce - I will check that out.  I plan on doing mostly video blogging if possible (I don't think I can write quite as eloquently as the Shultz's did) so I need a media friendly forum.

Schultz's - I wish I knew how well I will be able to tackle those climbs.  I would like nothing more than to take the most challenging route, but once again I've never done climbs like that so for this trip I will take the "middle ground".  

I think one of the most difficult things for me to do will be to slow down and enjoy the trip rather than going from point A to B as quickly as possible - but I am determined to do exactly that.  The only scheduled event I want to attend is a family reunion in South Dakota in June. The first part of my ride should be easier to judge timing - the last part I don't want to be so concerned about it and just enjoy the trip.

Its getting closer and I'm getting excited!  :)

Offline denbec

Re: Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2009, 08:22:33 pm »
I did one of those Google Maps like the Schultz's did (thanks BTW) with my intended route (using mostly ACA maps that I bought).  If anyone is still watching this post - can you please check my route between Rapid City, SD and Gillette, WY to see if what I have is the best route (or the route you took or recommend)?  It was hard to tell from the Shultz map exactly where they went (and I think they had a side trip to Deadwood).  Anyway, let me know what you think.  I was originally going to go directly from Pierre, SD to Belle Fourche but why miss the best part of South Dakota?  I also wanted to use at least some of the Mickleson Trail through the Black Hills.,-111.047058&spn=1.393762,2.304382&z=9

Thanks again for all the advice!


Offline valygrl

Re: Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2009, 10:55:52 pm »
Denbec, that's very similar to the route I took, and I thought it was great.   I have a feeling maybe I showed you my route somewhere?  Devil's Tower is great, Spearfish Canyon is great, the whole Custer park area had too much traffic but was fun nonetheless.  I rode some road in Custer that was really steep and twisty and awesome.  Wish I could remember the name. 

At Devils Tower, find out about Devil's Tower Lodge, run by an incredible character, Frank Sanders, who did the first ascents of many climbing routes on the tower.  You can camp in his yard, with an outdoor hot shower with a view of the tower. 

Offline denbec

Re: Yellowstone to Badlands
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2009, 10:31:43 am »
Thanks Valygrl - you have been very helpful!  :)

PS - that would be so cool if Frank would let me stay in his yard with a view of the tower!  I will check that out for sure.