Author Topic: Martin Krieg X/C ride for bicycle advocacy needs help!  (Read 5325 times)

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Martin Krieg X/C ride for bicycle advocacy needs help!
« on: May 05, 2009, 07:59:49 pm »
Martin Kreig (of is going to ride a one of a kind Pennyfarthing big wheel bike 4017 miles across the US. Along the way, he'll be visiting 25 mayors in 25 cities to promote a national bikeway. He leaves from San Francisco and enters Immigrant Pass next Monday, May 11.

and ABC News story on him that ran on May 1st at

It's quite a trip and story. However, due to the economy, he just lost his major sponsor and is working on a shoestring.

He was able to round up an RV to use as a SAG support, but he needs a driver and a videographer to chronicle the journey.

Can you help him? Do you know anyone that would like a BIG adventure?

Martin can be reached at or in Palo Alto at 415-240-4712. c 415 - 606-5043