Author Topic: Comfy saddles  (Read 11329 times)

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Offline kemmett

Comfy saddles
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:59:42 am »
Hey All,

I recently purchased a Trek 2.1 (very happy) and the Bontrager saddle, as many of you have pointed out in the past, is rubbish.  Could any of you recommend a decent saddle that wasn't particularly too expensive?  (i.e. Brooks etc.)  Thanks a bunch.

Offline whittierider

Re: Comfy saddles
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 03:49:59 am »
Alas, saddles are very personal and hard to recommend.  You'll probably just have to try some and see what fits you.

Offline DaveB

Re: Comfy saddles
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 10:16:54 am »
Alas, saddles are very personal and hard to recommend.  You'll probably just have to try some and see what fits you.
Unfortunately, that's very true.  My personal favorite saddle is the Avocet O2-40 Men's model and Sheldon Brown apparently liked them too so that's one other endorsement.  They are hard to find in bike shops and I had to order my last ones directly from Avocet so trying one before buying is difficult.

Specialized has a saddle "fit kit" of sorts so a Specialized dealer may be able to give you some guidance.

Offline aggie

Re: Comfy saddles
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 05:27:06 pm »
What do you mean by expensive?  My Brooks saddle cost less than $100 and is more comfortable than other saddles I've purchased for more at my local bike shop.  As was said earlier, everyone's a little different so you may have to try several saddles until you find one that is comfortable and in your price range.  Some bike shops will let you try saddles that they carry but most of the time to have to ask if they have any you can try.  REI carries a wide variety of saddles on their web site.  I don't know if a local store has any you could try. 

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Comfy saddles
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 09:21:21 pm »
My buddies and I each have a box of saddles that did not work out. Between the three of us, there are probably a $1000 worth of saddles that did not work out.

I have only met one person that did not like riding a Brooks B-17 saddle.  It is a great saddle to buy.  Wallbike.Com used to have a 90 day no questions ask return policy on Brooks saddles.  If you want to try an upgrade, I would start with a B-17 from WallBike.Com.  It is cheaper than the route we went.