Author Topic: Crowe Agency to Alzada, Montana via Hwy 212  (Read 10447 times)

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Offline NickC

Crowe Agency to Alzada, Montana via Hwy 212
« on: May 22, 2009, 01:04:38 am »
I'm looking at deviating from the L&C route at Billings to head over to Devils Tower and Mt Rushmore. Anyone have any experience or comments on this route?

Offline HONDO

Re: Crowe Agency to Alzada, Montana via Hwy 212
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 05:54:05 pm »
This may not help you very much but I was in that area a couple years ago on my other two wheels (harley). I rode 212 from the Battle of Little Bighorn back to Rapid city. It was a long, straight, dry, windy (crosswinds) drive and I believe I went through a couple differnt reservations. Definately would need to make sure of plenty of water. The Blackhills area is not to be missed especially around spearfish and Custer State park. Now what I noticed when I was there was the lack of bicyclists. Not sure why but when I was there I was hoping I could some day go back and ride.

Offline NickC

Re: Crowe Agency to Alzada, Montana via Hwy 212
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 06:14:32 pm »
Thanks, Hondo.  I figured 4 days riding Crowe Agency/Ashland/Broadus/Alzada/ Devils Tower.  None of the legs I envision would be longer than 62 miles. Most legs have some services midway. I figured I'd need to carry extra water on some of the days, especially Broadus to Alzada where there's nothin'. Hope to pass through Spearfish on the rebound from Devils Tower, then onto the Mickelson Trail.