Author Topic: Hybrid Bikes  (Read 7491 times)

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Offline smokingflowers

Hybrid Bikes
« on: May 30, 2009, 06:33:35 pm »
Does anyone have an opinion on how they think a hybrid bike might hold up on a 450 mile tour along the califorinia coast?

Offline cyclebum

Re: Hybrid Bikes
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 07:49:59 pm »
It'll hold up just fine as long as you get a quality bike. Avoid hybrids with shocks. Heavy and not needed. Hybrid geometry is very relaxed for comfort and the gearing is low enough for all the hills you'll be climbing. Add bar ends for optional hand positioning.

Ride enough in advance to make sure the saddle works for you. This is often a "sore" point. You may need to try several to get one that you can sit on for hours each day.

Offline smokingflowers

Re: Hybrid Bikes
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 03:48:49 am »
Cheers.  Thankyou for the information.  That was very helpful.

Offline Tieke

Re: Hybrid Bikes
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 12:26:05 pm »
Though I don't use shocks myself on anything but my MTB, I have 2 friends who both have a hybrid with shocks and prefer that over a bike without 'em, so I suppose it's pretty personal. They sometimes go of road though, nothing too bumpy but nothing like a smooth road either.

If you haven't got the bike yet: the known manufacturers like Trek, Cube, Giant, Cannondale,.. all have affordable hybrids (ranging from $500-700 for the bare bike) that are very good for light touring and who won't fall apart the first 5000 miles (if you take care of them). Tell the person helping you of your wishes and budget and he'll help you find a good frame and the right accessories. If you've more to spend, you can buy more expensive bikes, but for long/heavy touring, I wouldn't use a hybrid and for light touring you don't need to spend more for a good ride.

As for the saddle I can only say: amen. Heck, I've been biking for ages and I'm still not sure which one I like best.