Author Topic: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?  (Read 22406 times)

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Offline tcurrin

10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« on: June 04, 2009, 01:07:37 pm »

I feel dumb asking this question, but before I make a purchase I want to be sure.  Are the road triples identified for 10 speed really 9 speed chain friendly? 


Offline RussSeaton

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 03:57:41 pm »

I feel dumb asking this question, but before I make a purchase I want to be sure.  Are the road triples identified for 10 speed really 9 speed chain friendly? 


Yes.  An official 10 speed crankset will likely have the chainrings slightly closer together than a 9 speed crankset.  So in theory the chain may be more likely to rub on the outer chainring when in the inner ring when cross chained because the rings are closer together.  No big deal.

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 05:51:11 pm »
Just for future reference, if you ever decide to swap over to a 10spd setup, you only need to buy the cassette, shifter levers, and chain.  An 8 or 9spd derailleur will work with a 10spd setup just fine.

Offline edmilkman

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2009, 02:05:54 am »
would you ever want to switch to 10 speed ? unless you can no longer buy a 9 speed STI style shifter ??  Does anyone have an idea if these will still be sold in 15 years?  I'm using 9 speed Shimano 105 shifters now. If they quit selling these, I might clamp mtn shifters on my road handlebar.

Offline whittierider

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 02:13:45 am »
would you ever want to switch to 10 speed ? unless you can no longer buy a 9 speed STI style shifter ??  Does anyone have an idea if these will still be sold in 15 years?  I'm using 9 speed Shimano 105 shifters now. If they quit selling these, I might clamp mtn shifters on my road handlebar.

I and my family are stopping at 9, because of the nearly double cost and shorter life of 10-speed chains and cassettes.  Since I just bought a brand new pair of 7-speed Dura-Ace down-tube shifters through eBay for one of our bikes, I think those who really want to will find ways to get what they need for a long time.  You can even still get brand-new 5-speed freewheels, made this year.  If in doubt though, buy a lifetime supply while you can.

Offline waynemyer

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Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2009, 02:52:55 pm »
Agreed, whittier.  Eight is great, but it's too bad that quality eight-speed cassettes seem to be getting rarer.  I have contemplated buying up loads of them wherever I find them.  (user:waynemyer)

Offline staehpj1

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2009, 03:05:43 pm »
unless you can no longer buy a 9 speed STI style shifter ??  Does anyone have an idea if these will still be sold in 15 years?
No but it seems likely since you can still buy 7 speed STI shifters from Harris Cyclery or at least could last time I checked.

FWIW: I am happy with 9 speed, but may move to 10 speed when/if reasonably priced cassettes and deraileurs that allow low enough gearing and work with STI become available.  I would only do it if replacing the bike or if I had to redo the whole drivetrain for some reason though.  I am not that worried about chain life since my chain is still going strong at close to 10,000 miles on my 9 speed.  I can't imagine that a ten speed would be enough worse to disqualify it.  Even if it was twice as bad it would still be OK.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 10:25:25 pm »
Buy your replacement 105 shifters now because Shimano has already stopped making them.


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Re: 10 speed triple Cranksets compatible with 9 speed?
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2017, 03:55:22 pm »

I feel dumb asking this question, but before I make a purchase I want to be sure.  Are the road triples identified for 10 speed really 9 speed chain friendly? 


Yes.  An official 10 speed crankset will likely have the chainrings slightly closer together than a 9 speed crankset.  So in theory the chain may be more likely to rub on the outer chainring when in the inner ring when cross chained because the rings are closer together.  No big deal.

I am using the Shimano Deore m610 10speed Crank set with Raceface 10 speed chain rings 22-32-42t with 9 speed drivetrain it works very good and no problem of shifting my Shimano XT FD m771 on the Raceface 10 speed chain rings 22-32-42t 

Shimano XT FD m771
Shimano XT RD m771
Sram PG 970 cassette 9 speed
Sram PC 971 chain 9 speed
Shimano XT m770 2/3 thumb Shifter 9 speed

ps I justed seen this post on google