Author Topic: KY BikeTrek to Shakerstown  (Read 15464 times)

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Offline OliviaWeiss

KY BikeTrek to Shakerstown
« on: July 21, 2009, 02:37:12 pm »

Bike Trek to Shakertown
SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2009

Become a Team Captain in the Fight Against Lung Disease and We’ll Waive Your Registration Fee! The American Lung Association Bike Trek is known for taking GREAT care of our participants, and we want to welcome you by waiving your $60 registration fee. The ALA will not only support you during the ride, but also with fund raising tips, assistance in collecting pledges and outstanding incentive prizes.

The trek includes a 2-day 35 mile ride and a 3-day 55 mile ride.

Please contact Olivia Weiss at the American Lung Association at 615.329.1151, ext. 107 for more information.