Author Topic: Lightweight Wrench for the cassette lock ring  (Read 9395 times)

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Offline cgarch

Lightweight Wrench for the cassette lock ring
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:12:33 pm »
Anyone have a lead/idea on a minimalist lightweight 1-inch wrench for loosening the lock ring on the cassette? Just thinking ahead on the odd-chance of having to do a field repair on a broken spoke. So far I'm hauling my Craftsman 1" box wrench and plan to make it do double duty pounding tent stakes. (It's actually lighter than the Park equivalent.)

Santa Rosa, CA
Pac Coast Southbound in July

Offline RussSeaton

Re: Lightweight Wrench for the cassette lock ring
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 09:34:40 am »
Anyone have a lead/idea on a minimalist lightweight 1-inch wrench for loosening the lock ring on the cassette? Just thinking ahead on the odd-chance of having to do a field repair on a broken spoke. So far I'm hauling my Craftsman 1" box wrench and plan to make it do double duty pounding tent stakes. (It's actually lighter than the Park equivalent.)

Santa Rosa, CA
Pac Coast Southbound in July

At the top of the first page above they have two tools designed to undo the lockring on a cassette using the chainstays and turning the cranks/wheels backwards.  I have the original Pamir Hypercracker mentioned on the page and it works perfectly well.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Lightweight Wrench for the cassette lock ring
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 07:57:05 pm »

At the top of the first page above they have two tools designed to undo the lockring on a cassette using the chainstays and turning the cranks/wheels backwards.  I have the original Pamir Hypercracker mentioned on the page and it works perfectly well.
The other one (the Unior) works fine too