Author Topic: Wish I was there  (Read 83861 times)

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Offline mucknort

Wish I was there
« on: July 01, 2009, 05:39:48 pm »
I'm looking forward to reading posts from the first bikecentenniel. I was 16 at the time and tried to convince my parents to let me go on this ride, to no avail. :(

Offline staehpj1

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2009, 11:44:25 am »
I hope some folks post their experiences.  I wanted to go, but it didn't work out.  I finally rode the route (now the Trans America) in 2007 with my daughter and a friend.

Offline GAmado

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 03:39:31 am »
I'm proud to say I was there--for the Carbondale, IL to Lexington, KY portion.  I'm looking forward to watching this forum topic and plan to post some of my slides (remember them) to the flicker portion.  I hope to run across some of my fellow tourers from way back in '76.  I now wish I had kept contact with some of them. 

Offline bigK12603

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 05:05:00 pm »
I was there too - during ACA's 30th aniversary in '06 the focus was on the long distance trans am groups but Bikecentenial had broken up the trans am route - then called the "Trans America Trail" into shorter triips doing sections of the much longer TAT - some of those sponsored trips were suported with a "sag" vehicle (I think they were Datsun PU trucks with tops) I did the Virginia section from Yorktown to Waynsboro - they called this section "Colonial Virginia - I think the official designation was CVE618 - I think the numbers are correct - I had sort of kept in contact with at least some of my CVE group through the mid '80's - I had met some tour group members at several of those GEAR rallies - GEAR '79 was hosted by the club of one of my tour group - the Potomic Wheelmen and it was there I had re-united with John Renninger (I think that is how his name is spelt) I had taken the Amtrak train to DC then rode to Harisonburg VA for the rally - it was at this rally I had sort of met albeit briefly,Fred DeLong

it was on a biz trip a few years latter on my way down to FL with the company van - I had stoped outside DC and gave John Renninger a call - next thing you know he was inviting me to stay at the bsmnt apt./rec area of his relatively new house! I tried to tell him I was on a biz trip and I could stay at the Watergate if I wanted to - the company was paying - John is therefore the only member of that group I still remember - I had unfortunately lost all of my contact info for the group and have not been in contact

one member of the group was from LI NY - he was the oldest at like 70? so I am afraid he has passed - the youngest member at 16 would be not quite 50 - John Renninger would have to be in his upper 70's? by now and me? well....  I am now well into my middle age "geezerhood"

I did not actualy meet the now famous "cookie lady" but I think other members of my group did - I think the group got split on the climb and I was in the lead group - the KOM group as it were

Offline Ocean

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2009, 04:30:43 pm »
HI everyone, Now that your wishing i just found out about this contest site. Check it out only make a 60sec video. I already sent mine here is the youtube site  Sorry im posting this but everyone here is all about adventures just want to everyone know about what i found.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 04:32:22 pm by jsieber »

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 12:14:34 am »
I hired a guy this summer who rode the whole thing - Jim Born.

He doesn't play on the computer much, so I don't expect him to show up here.  He told some amazing stories about the trip, though.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 07:39:13 am »
I'm proud to say I was there--for the Carbondale, IL to Lexington, KY portion.  I'm looking forward to watching this forum topic and plan to post some of my slides (remember them) to the flicker portion.  I hope to run across some of my fellow tourers from way back in '76.  I now wish I had kept contact with some of them. 

Did the route originally go through Lexington?  When we did the TA in 2007 we went through farther south in Berea.  Is there a map available anywhere that shows the original Bikecentennial route?  I would be curious how it differed from the current TA.

Offline B

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2009, 08:37:33 pm »
I was there, and it surely was a unique and unforgettable experience.  For me it was perfect timing, falling between school and my first job.  For many others I'm sure it was the same as my age group seemed to dominate the Bikecentennial population.  Our group (TAWK525) left Reedsport, Oregon on May 25th and arrived in Yorktown, Virginia 80 days later.  We were a camping group and began with most of us pitching a tent each night.  Eventually most of us resorted to sleeping under the stars sans tents.  One or two members of our group (Steve Levine?) didn't even bring a tent and they converted us to that lifestyle.  I have a journal (Summer Fun) on the crazyguyonabike website that tells the story of that summer as seen from my perspective.  Sadly, I've lost contact with most of our group.  I'd love to re-connect with the others and trade strories from '76.  Does anyone know these people and their whereabouts??  Michael A Lai (San Francisco, CA), Nancy Burkholder (Wooster, OH), Gerald T. Munchel (Greensburg, IN), Bob Ceasar (San Diego, CA), Steve Levine (San Juan, CA), Mike Smith (Crystal Lake, IL) and Scott J. Edwards (San Francisco, CA).  Cities listed are the towns these people called home in 1976.  Although I was there, I too, am very anxious to hear the experiences of others.

Offline CMajernik

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2009, 01:01:05 pm »
The original 1976 route did not go through Lexington, KY - it has always gone through Berea. I looked at the trip offerings from 76 in the archives here at the ACA office and the trip I think GAmado is referring to was from St. Genevieve, MO to Berea, KY. Carbondale and Lexington were the 2 closest largest cities to those towns.

There are some maps here in Missoula but I don't know of anything online that shows the original 76 route. Amazingly, for its length, we have changed less than 150 miles of the route. There are short sections in VA, KY, IL. MO and KS that have been re-routed. The 2 biggest adjustments have been in CO and OR. In CO the route between Walden and Kremmling was changed, and in OR there is a new route between Eugene and Florence (which was always the shortcut to get to the coast) though the route officially began/begins in Astoria.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline staehpj1

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2009, 07:56:11 am »
The original 1976 route did not go through Lexington, KY - it has always gone through Berea. I looked at the trip offerings from 76 in the archives here at the ACA office and the trip I think GAmado is referring to was from St. Genevieve, MO to Berea, KY. Carbondale and Lexington were the 2 closest largest cities to those towns.

There are some maps here in Missoula but I don't know of anything online that shows the original 76 route. Amazingly, for its length, we have changed less than 150 miles of the route. There are short sections in VA, KY, IL. MO and KS that have been re-routed. The 2 biggest adjustments have been in CO and OR. In CO the route between Walden and Kremmling was changed, and in OR there is a new route between Eugene and Florence (which was always the shortcut to get to the coast) though the route officially began/begins in Astoria.
Interesting, thanks.  I would have guessed that it had changed more.

Offline Marty5

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2010, 12:40:57 pm »
Hello, I was there but it was 1980. Started on the VA coast in April and yep, met June Currie 'The Cookie Lady' and have pics (slides) of her and her dad standing with our bikes. From there we went through to Kansas City.  My two friends and I decided to take an Amtrak across Kansas, weren't looking forward to the headwinds. Got off the train in La Junta, CO, got back on the bikes and decide to re-route to go along the front side of the Collegiate range in CO. Ever-so much more scenic and some beautiful camping! Got to the Tetons in WY. There we went rock climbing for two weeks (staying at The Climbers Ranch outside Jackson Hole). The plan was to wait for a pre-packed van we had left with a friend on the east coast. They drove it out to meet us in the Tetons. From there we drove to the west coast, and on the way stopped to pick apples in WA state for the Fall season. Dipped my hands and feet in the Pacific Ocean near Seattle. Spent the winter x-c skiing in Winthrop,WA. Oh, the stories I could tell. What an adventure at 26!
Marty5 (aka Sharon K.)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 12:51:57 pm by Marty5 »


  • Guest
Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2010, 09:43:36 pm »
As I have not been to bikecentennial but I have taken part in mountain biking. I think bikecentennial is also as exciting as mountain biking. Mountain biking is one of the famous sport event held in Nepal every year.

I have heard about bikecentennial but not got chance to take part. And I wish to make my reservation next time in bikecentennial. So, if any one know when to make reservation, please let me know.

thank you,
Maniker Tamang

Offline hoosher

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2010, 11:42:42 pm »
I was on the May 1976 inaugural ride of the Colonial Virginia west to east route. Our leader was John Rakowski, who had just finished riding around the world. I lost touch with the group members, but I remember most of their names: Barry and Deb, Martha and Carol; Sandy, Ed and their 11 yr old son Mike. It was an awesome adventure for a 19 year old girl. I only wish it had lasted longer!

Offline dillbike

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2010, 08:32:29 pm »
I was there. I rode from Radford VA to Williamsburg. It was my first of many bike adventures. I had a great time other than the heat. Our leader was Allison French an Aussie. I don't remember the names of the other riders. I can remember leading a breakfast rebellion. Allison was a nuts and berries type eater and I complained that I couldn't bike with that type of food. After the revolt we ate a little better. We also appointed one of our female riders who I believe was from Atlanta as our official local liaison  since some of the local storekeepers were still in civil war mode plus we yankees couldn't understand them anyway. Just last year I drove from the Skyline Drive down to Vesuvius. I couldn't believe that I rode up that hill with full packs on a bike with no granny. That tour led to a lifetime of cycling for which I will be forever grateful.

Offline GAmado

Re: Wish I was there
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2010, 03:05:04 am »
I know I started in Carbondale, IL.! I took Amtrak from Chicago down to Southern Illinois Univ. in Carbondale where the first night was spent in a dorm.  As for Lexington, I remember distinctly bicycling into the bluegrass country of horse farms with those beautiful barns, mansions and white fences surrounding everything.    By the way, are there any records left of the members of various tours in '76?  I sure would like to track down some of the members of my group.   GAmado.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 03:13:15 am by GAmado »