Author Topic: Facilities in Maine  (Read 24486 times)

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Offline mainebiker

Facilities in Maine
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:02:32 pm »
Read Cycling Yellow Pages and concluded that facilities for touring cyclists in Maine are dismal to say the least. I will "Buck Up" and offer the following: You can pitch your tent in my yard. If the weather is lousy, we have a nice guest room and we have room for your bike in our garage/shop. We have a shower available along with a washer and drier. I have a complete bicycle shop so if your bike needs a tuneup we can do that as well--free. If we need parts we get them from the bicycle shop three blocks away. We are located in Belfast ,Maine. 45A Lincolnville Ave (Rte 52) If you look at your bike map, you will find that Rte 52 forms the horizontal in the "H" between Rte 1 and Rte 3 which run parallel in Belfast. Feel free to call Alex and Diane at 207 338 3105. I used to be on this board as "Sailariel" but since things changed and I changed E mail server, it was easier to reregister as Maine Biker.

Offline JayH

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 07:40:14 am »
I thought your directions sounded familiar! :)

I haven't checked out the yellow pages, I got it in the mail but it's been sitting in a pile of mail.  Is the lack of facilities for bike tourers in maine is a lack of publicity in the Yellow Pages or do you think it's an actual lacking? 

Granted, I stayed over in friend's places in Augusta, in Stockton Springs, and our final destination, Orient because I have friends up there and my friend that I went with was from there so he has relatives in Augusta and a camp in Orient. 

I guess perhaps if you were not familiar with the area nor had any info for planning a trek across maine, I would think that coastal maine would have hotels/resorts but further inland and further north, you'll find the amenities few and far between. However, one would expect that, knowing the geology of the state.    We wound up camping one night at Sebago Lake and then in a hotel in Wells (because we found the one campsite there quite overrun and not very nice).  I think inland lakes are probably the best for campgrounds, while coastal is more resort/hotel...


Offline mainebiker

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2009, 02:37:05 pm »
Jay, You sound familiar as well. There are LOTS of campgrounds available all over Maine, but they charge a fortune. One that I checked out on the way to Stockton Springs, charges $15 a night for a patch of dirt, the use of a shower, and a water faucet at the site. A 40` Motorhome pays the same price. How widespread this gouging is, is unknown to me. We must have a bunch of Adventure Cyclists here in Maine who could offer a place to tent, a shower, even a guest room---anything to make the bike trip memorable. Since we last communicated, I have opened a bicycle repair facility--Heck, I`ll throw in a free tune up and lube along with a shower, tent site, guest room, and a washer and drier. It has to start somewhere and somehow catch on.

Offline JayH

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2009, 10:55:24 am »
I conversed with you when you were Sailerail, on my bike tour through Maine... 

I don't recall being charged the same fee as an RV, actually at Sebago Lake, the lady gave us a discount cause we didn't have a car and even made us pizza for dinner...

Many campgrounds on the way to Maine that we went through were mostly geared towards RVs, some of the tent sites just happen to be a large grassy field, not wooded and not very private.  However, a lot of it was mid-week so we'd basically have the whole tent site to ourselves, amongst giant space-aged RVs...


Offline destination

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2009, 08:34:37 pm »
Am seriously giving this some consideration.

Offline JayH

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 09:45:06 am »
For those looking at organized tours through Maine, they always do the Trek across Maine each year which I think is 3 or 4 days.. on a marked route (at least I saw some signs when I rode across maine (not on the tour, but just my ride up to New Brunswick)   There's also the Lobsstah Roll Ride.. :)


Offline GCharles

Re: Facilities in Maine
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2010, 03:16:09 pm »
I am located up in Lubec Maine, and am more than happy to offer camping space to any cyclist coming through the area.