Author Topic: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)  (Read 10999 times)

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Offline jamesfrank

Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:53:11 am »
Can someone help me select a route from Santa Barbara to San Diego?  I am traveling tomorrow, and seek a safe route / map.

Please help!


Offline whittierider

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 02:27:47 pm »
There's nothing like last-minute planning, huh?  Wow, and I thought I was bad at it!  I sent you an Email with very detailed info to get from Santa Barbara to L.A., and less-detailed info to proceed from there to San Diego.  I'll finish it up later if I can get the time.  It's mostly PCH all the way, but there are a few places you could still get slightly lost, especially around U.C. San Diego.  Most of the way is a very pleasant ride.  Call me if you get messed up, and I'll try to figure out where you are and help you get back on the right path.

Offline mucknort

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 12:25:48 pm »
  I sent you an Email with very detailed info to get from Santa Barbara to L.A., and less-detailed info to proceed from there to San Diego.

Here's hoping you post the detailed info that you sent in that email. Always handy for others that do a "search" in the future.

Offline whittierider

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 01:15:03 pm »
Here's hoping you post the detailed info that you sent in that email. Always handy for others that do a "search" in the future.

How do you post a .doc file?  For the ride from the Santa Barbara train station to Union Station downtown L.A., I got a route slip from someone's club ride, studied it, rode it twice, narrating things to look out for and exact mileages on my microcassette recorder so I could get the details without slowing down, then wrote it up again, and a friend massaged it a bit and turned it into a nice .doc file to print out and laminate as a route slip.  That's part of what I E-mailed to Jamesfrank.  For L.A. to San Diego, I wrote out what I remember from having done it so many times, but would like to hear back from him if he found any inaccuracies I should fix before posting it for everyone.

Offline Bikewood

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2009, 09:24:23 am »
Adventure Cycling has a great map for the part of Ca.

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2009, 12:30:04 pm »
We got all messed up in 2005 around SB due to road construction.  The directions in the book did not work at all, and none of the localswe asked had a clue, including the guys in a local bike shop!  Then my partner got lost when he continued down to SD somewhere around the military base (Camp Pendleton?) and even got hassled by the MPs there.  I hope things have cleared up in the last 4 years.
May the wind be at your back!

Offline whittierider

Re: Santa Barbara to San Diego 08-18-09 (tomorrow)
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2009, 03:10:16 pm »
Then my partner got lost when he continued down to SD somewhere around the military base (Camp Pendleton?) and even got hassled by the MPs there.  I hope things have cleared up in the last 4 years.

I've ridden from L.A. or Orange County to San Diego maybe about 15 times.  I've gone through Camp Pendleton quite a few times, but you're allowed to ride on the freeway through there too, which is what I usually prefer to do now, and get it overwith.  When you get to Las Pulgas Rd., instead of turning left and going under the railroad and into the marine base, turn right and go under the freeway, then immediately left onto the freeway onramp.  Seven miles later, you'll get off at Harbor Blvd, and the traffic light there is the same intersection you would end up at if you had gone through Pendleton, but you'll go straight at the light instead of turning left, then follow the street's curve up a little to the left and around the gas station and head inland a bit there in Oceanside to continue on PCH.

The freeway section has a wide, paved shoulder.  It's never very clean, but the cars leave you loads of room, and I feel quite safe there.  There is a rest stop in the middle and you have to get off there, just because they don't want the paths of bikes and auto traffic crossing at the on and off ramps, but you can go through the rest stop area without stopping and come out the other end and get right back on the freeway if you want to.  I usually stop and refill my water bottles there though.

The ride through Pendleton is more laid back, but I can see how someone could take a wrong turn here or there on the various roads and end up in trouble with the MP.