Author Topic: Suggested phone/GPS device for Pacific Coast cycle  (Read 3719 times)

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Offline garththomson

Suggested phone/GPS device for Pacific Coast cycle
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:54:47 am »

Planning LD trip Vancouver / San Diego (Pacific Coast ROute) then continuing in SA (Ecuador to Chile).  Would like to limit the number of devices I carry so looking for suggestions on the best Phone / GPS / WI-Fi ready devices on the market.  Would like to download maps onto the device, etc. 



Offline bogiesan

Re: Suggested phone/GPS device for Pacific Coast cycle
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 09:29:40 am »
Sorry, don't mean to be a Luddite here, but I don't understand this need to stay plugged in. You've got maps, you can stop at libraries and cafés to check your email, you can carry a cheap cell, use a prepaid calling card or just send postcards. The world will not stop turning if you're not online 24/7. That's one of my favorite meanings of the term "vacation."

You will want to carefully examine cellular service maps superimposed over your route. I do not believe any system will cover 100%  the route so you may be basing your decision only on the contract with the cell company. You also must consider how the product will recharge, be protected from the elements, and how it will mount on your bike if you expect the GPS to be available in the cockpit. I think that would require a separate GPS since most all-in-one devices suck batteries too rapidly to be left on all the time.

I know of no better product than the Apple iPhone for your needs. It works. But so do many other systems. The iPhone has a long list of negative features and tons of dissatisfied customers. So does every other all-in-one product you will find recommended here.

david boise ID
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent