Author Topic: National EMS Memorial ride concept  (Read 3132 times)

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Offline Vision Zero

National EMS Memorial ride concept
« on: September 23, 2009, 01:39:01 pm »
In years past there has been a ride from NYC to Roanoke, VA for the Memorial service. The memorial has been moved to Colorado Springs CO for 2010. I am interested in planning a ride of this length to celebrate the new location, Line of Duty Deaths and more importantly those still doing the EMS job each day.

Need some input as to the hurdles and pitfalls.
Start point: Washington, DC
End point: Colorado springs, CO
Plan: Relay type hand off at each state line to the next group of riders (EMS in that state).
My involvement: Coordinate, ride parts of the trip, avoid calling "911", raise a whole lot of awareness for this group of heroes.

Any input will be greatly appreciated!