Author Topic: How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?  (Read 18802 times)

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Offline fnegron44

How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:46:49 am »
Hi:  I just learned that an old friend lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?  Where might be the best place to rent a bike for an extended tour?  Best routes, best time of year to tour, camping opportunities, wind directions etc  etc  etc.  Thanks   

Offline geegee

Re: How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 12:28:44 am »
It's very scenic riding, especially if you like coastal scenery. The roads aren't great – there are no shoulders on most secondary highways – but for the most part, the drivers are quite courteous, and traffic is generally light outside of the Halifax region. I lived in Cape Breton for two years and I've cycled out there to visit old friends.

There should be a few rental places in Halifax. The Lighthouse Route is really pretty and it is chock full of historical sites. The Marine Drive is equally nice, and if you are up for more challenging terrain there's always the Cabot Trail.