Author Topic: Racks for my mountain bike  (Read 5133 times)

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Offline ascendr2011

Racks for my mountain bike
« on: November 08, 2009, 01:33:19 am »
 I recently did a 2000 mile tour and i plan on doing other long distance tours.  I decided to go with ortlieb panniers since they seem to the be the most sturdy waterproof bags.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to what racks i should mountain on the front and back of my back.  I have a specialized sworks M4.  ( it is one of the originals) with manitou lockout forks on the front.   Thanks for your time!!!

Offline Cyclesafe

Re: Racks for my mountain bike
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 12:40:39 am »

I thought I'd respond.

Fitting racks is an art, not a science.  Do you have mounts in the back for racks?  Do you have disc brakes?  If you answer no and yes/no, respectively, go to Old Man Mountain.   If you answer yes and yes/no, talk to Wayne at about Tubus rear racks.  They are the best quality of what is generally available.  He may refer you to OMM anyway.

If you have a suspension fork, you might be able to use a Cro-mo Tubus Swing (my preferred brand).  Talk to Wayne.  If he can't fit you he'll will refer you to OMM for an aluminum rack that uses your front skewer.

Send Wayne a picture of your bike.  His level of service and low prices is legendary.