Author Topic: California Between Christmas and New Years  (Read 23355 times)

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Offline ginarae

California Between Christmas and New Years
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:05:39 pm »
Hi all, Gina here from Arizona.  I'm brand new to touring, don't even have a touring bike yet, but I was thinking of heading over to California and riding part of the Pacific Coast route (maybe modified somewhat) from Christmas to just past New Years.  I will be credit card touring and riding alone, but will have a driver to haul my stuff (lucky me!), so I'll probably take my road/racing bike.  Part of the incentive for the driver (my dear mother!) is sight-seeing, so I want to be sure to catch some sights that she would enjoy.  Her idea of excellent sight-seeing would include Alcatraz, Winchester Mansion, Hearst Mansion, things like that.  I'll be content with seeing things like the beautiful coast and the redwoods.  I'm sure I'll see plenty of what I want to see, so I'm more concerned with keeping my driver happy.  Can you recommend some awesome sight-seeing side trips that I might not have heard of yet?

Do you think the weather would be decent enough over the holidays to start in San Francisco and head South?  If not, where would you recommend I start?  I could always drive to San Francisco, see the sights there with my mom, then drive South and start riding from somewhere else.  I can do cold and wind and rain, but I don't get all excited at the prospect, lol!  Also, do you recommend the Adventure Cycling route as-is?  I already bought the two maps that cover the region I'm interested in.  I also ordered the book "Bicycling the Pacific Coast."

I picked California for its mild winter climate (and I have use-or-lose leave to take before the end of the year, so vacation here I come!).  I do live in a mild climate, but I'd like a change of scenery.  I'd like to ride anywhere between 45 and 90 miles a day, depending on the terrain.  That may seem a bit ambitious for a newbie, but I will have no load.

Any suggestions on region, route, and sight-seeing will be greatly welcomed!


Offline Donatello

Re: California Between Christmas and New Years
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 10:24:43 pm »
Hi all, Gina here from Arizona.  I'm brand new to touring, don't even have a touring bike yet, but I was thinking of heading over to California and riding part of the Pacific Coast route (maybe modified somewhat) from Christmas to just past New Years.  I will be credit card touring and riding alone, but will have a driver to haul my stuff (lucky me!), so I'll probably take my road/racing bike.  Part of the incentive for the driver (my dear mother!) is sight-seeing, so I want to be sure to catch some sights that she would enjoy.  Her idea of excellent sight-seeing would include Alcatraz, Winchester Mansion, Hearst Mansion, things like that.  I'll be content with seeing things like the beautiful coast and the redwoods.  I'm sure I'll see plenty of what I want to see, so I'm more concerned with keeping my driver happy.  Can you recommend some awesome sight-seeing side trips that I might not have heard of yet?

Do you think the weather would be decent enough over the holidays to start in San Francisco and head South?  If not, where would you recommend I start?  I could always drive to San Francisco, see the sights there with my mom, then drive South and start riding from somewhere else.  I can do cold and wind and rain, but I don't get all excited at the prospect, lol!  Also, do you recommend the Adventure Cycling route as-is?  I already bought the two maps that cover the region I'm interested in.  I also ordered the book "Bicycling the Pacific Coast."

I picked California for its mild winter climate (and I have use-or-lose leave to take before the end of the year, so vacation here I come!).  I do live in a mild climate, but I'd like a change of scenery.  I'd like to ride anywhere between 45 and 90 miles a day, depending on the terrain.  That may seem a bit ambitious for a newbie, but I will have no load.

Any suggestions on region, route, and sight-seeing will be greatly welcomed!


I'd be interested in hearing a reply to this post myself. Anybody out there?

Offline aggie

Re: California Between Christmas and New Years
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 10:19:04 am »
There is plenty to see from SF south so I wouldn't worry about keeping your driver occupied.  However be prepared for inclement weather - lots of rain.  Make sure you have some warm clothing and rain gear.  If you use your road bike I'd suggest that you equip it with some fenders.  It is hard to say if a front will come through during the time frame you want to ride.  You should be able to check about a week ahead to see if any fronts are expected.  The fronts will be cold and wet but you will have one heck of a tail wind.

Offline valygrl

Re: California Between Christmas and New Years
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 07:31:28 pm »
Actually, winter storms on the coast often bring winds from the south, i.e. headwinds.

I would suggest if you *must* do this in mid-winter, plan something in the far south - san diego to joshua tree and back or something like that.  Also, it's an El Nino year, so higher than average rainfall is likely.

I don't want to be a bummer, but realistically, you would be pretty likely to get some bad weather.

If a supported ride would be interesting you you, check out the HI-USA Christmas Trip -  a supported 6 day trip from San Diego, I've done it several times and it's very fun.  Not going to make it out there this year, unfortunately.

Offline daletsteele

Re: California Between Christmas and New Years
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 01:36:03 am »
I just wanted to add a little personal experience to this post. I was down in San Diego last week and took my trusty Bike Friday along just in case. I had all day Saturday to explore and decided to make my way out to Cabrillo Point on a route I picked off of Bikely.Com. Glad I had my rain gear and I was in and out of heavy rain all day. Tricky way to navigate a new area, especially an urban one, under those conditions. It turned out to be a fine, if soggy adventure and I'm glad I stuck it out.

It does rain in southern California, especially this time of year.

Happy Winter Solstice!


Actually, winter storms on the coast often bring winds from the south, i.e. headwinds.

I would suggest if you *must* do this in mid-winter, plan something in the far south - san diego to joshua tree and back or something like that.  Also, it's an El Nino year, so higher than average rainfall is likely.

I don't want to be a bummer, but realistically, you would be pretty likely to get some bad weather.

If a supported ride would be interesting you you, check out the HI-USA Christmas Trip -  a supported 6 day trip from San Diego, I've done it several times and it's very fun.  Not going to make it out there this year, unfortunately.
\"Pay attention to the open skies, you never know what may be coming down\"

Offline winsteadi

Re: California Between Christmas and New Years
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 05:33:50 pm »
So - how did the trip go?