Author Topic: From Maine to Wisconsin  (Read 16047 times)

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Offline destination

From Maine to Wisconsin
« on: December 18, 2009, 09:29:46 am »
I would like to bike from Me. to Wis. I know nothing about cross country travel. Have never biked long distance.
Can you help me brainstorm a plan out. Just type out words that come to your head. Can be anything from type of bike to favorite bed and breakfast's to favorite towns to what shoes to wear.

I cant fly due to ear problems.

I can train, but, not near any major cities due to getting carbon monoxide poisoning easily. IE: Cannot handle Chicago.

Driving causes me to become very drowsy.

I am working on getting into shape. Hey, if I have to walk, I will walk. But, seems to me that going down a hill on two wheels beats walking any day. Its been way "over" 5 years since I have seen my family.

I get too sick to travel.(MCS=multiple chemical sensitivity) Biking has to be, or might be my best option. I never considered this until I met a friend who says that her son travels everywhere by bike. He went from Me. to Oregon no problem. This planted a seed in my mind and made me look back to when I was young...I use to bike everywhere. I never wanted to get my drivers license. Hated driving. Always did, always will. I do not want a vehicle.

I want to get back the life I use to have/live. Even though I am kind of old and rotting. :-) Sometimes it takes a life time to realize who we are and what we really want out of life. When first married, we bought bikes and biked a 100 miles in one day. Got sun burnt too. That was dumb. But, we were young.

Still have the fugi 10 speed minus the hard seat. But, about three years ago, I did buy a mountain bike. Was
hoping to start biking then but couldnt at that point in time. So, thats what I have right now to start with.

If I could, I would franchise "chemical free" bed and breakfast's Inns across the country just so people with MCS could travel more comfortably.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Offline bktourer1

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 04:47:10 pm »
Check out the Rubels bike maps to get through Mass.  Look into for hosters
Plenty of books in the library for routes and planning
Check out ""


Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2009, 09:41:55 pm »
Think about this option as a possible route.  Follow the Northern Tier until Fort Erie, ON then take the Lake Erie connector into Michigan. This will take  you  across Michigan on secondary shore of lake Michigan Then take the ferry across lake Michiganto Wisconsin.   For more route option in Michigan go to (League of Michigan Bicyclist). LMB has lots of routes laid out across Michigan.  Wisconsin also have maps for bikers.  Web site is in the ACA yellow pages. Good luck!!!

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 06:29:25 am »

Going to check info out.

Brain storming:
Emergency fast track idea:
Intertwining bike and train travel together.



Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2009, 12:56:08 am »

I have had a chance to look at what was suggested. The information has been really helpful. Its going to take me a while to plan this all out and get in shape...but, I am really looking forward to it. I think this is going to be a healing adventure. Thank you again. Destination.

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2009, 02:03:54 am »
Wow. There are people in their 60's and upward still able to bike and planning long distance trips. Wow.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2009, 10:34:47 pm »
You don't need to get in shape to bicycle tour.  It's a lot like money and happiness.  Money (being in shape) doesn't buy you happiness but it sure helps get rid of some problems which makes life more enjoyable.  Just take it easy at first.  If your body is complaining, listen to it.  I have know people to ride less than 10 miles per day for the first couple of days until their body adjusts.  Also, ACA has lots of resources and maps to help you plan.

Hope you have a great adventure!


I have had a chance to look at what was suggested. The information has been really helpful. Its going to take me a while to plan this all out and get in shape...but, I am really looking forward to it. I think this is going to be a healing adventure. Thank you again. Destination.

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2009, 10:28:57 pm »
I dont need to get in shape?
You mean that if there was no snow on the ground right now...I could just start out? I am going to have to sleep on that thought tonight. A little hard to fathom, but, I promise that I will get over it real quick. Thank you for that info John. I think that I am going to be saying "wow" to myself all night long in my sleep.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 10:55:04 pm by destination »


  • Guest
Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2009, 08:43:53 am »
I dont need to get in shape? You mean that if there was no snow on the ground right now...I could just start out? (ever-so-s-l-o-w-l-y) ...
I agree, it is quite practical to ride into shape. After two weeks of carefully increasing your workout, you will be chugging right along.

HOWEVER, be very sure that your saddle and your butt are compatible before you start. That will not improve with time. 1,000 miles during the previous season and 200 - 300 miles before the start should let you know. Maybe others can find posterior nirvana quicker than I did <grin>, but do not bet on it.


Offline mikedirectory2

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2009, 09:55:28 am »
Maine is so gorgeous, I love it there!
May the skies be blue and the road be flat... Happy Riding.

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2009, 01:53:04 am »
Fred: I think I could live on the back of a motorcycle. But, that is not the same as a bicycle. Thank you.
Mike: Yes, Maine is beautiful. Once I read about the warmshowers website...
I thought, what a grand idea! I could do that here. I have always wanted an Inn or B and B.
It is still a revolutionary thought in my mind to start out without getting into shape.
I am studying a method right now that works at getting ones joints aligned on a daily basis.
The goal is less wear and tear as we move throughout our day. I think this will be so beneficial.
ps. I just went to warm showers organization and read the rules. Realize now that there is a difference between warm showers organization and a B and B type setting. That is good to know.  
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 10:50:17 pm by destination »

Offline staehpj1

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2009, 09:29:31 am »
It is still a revolutionary thought in my mind to start out without getting into shape.
I am studying a method right now that works at getting ones joints aligned on a daily basis.
The goal is less wear and tear as we move throughout our day. I think this will be so beneficial.
It is quite possible.  The key is to not do so much in any day that you don't want to ride the next.  On the Trans America my two companions had very few miles in before the tour.  The did a handful of rides in the several week before we took off.  The farthest they rode was 33 miles in their few rides before we left and one of them was not a cyclist before that.  Despite the apparent lack of training they did fine and finished the 4244 miles in 73 days.  It helped that they were young and in good health.

We started out riding 30-40 miles a day in the beginning and avoided riding far enough to be too tired or sore to want to ride the next day.  We were not inclined to take rest days.  We did however take really easy days when we felt like it.  We though of them as half days and preferred them over taking full days off.  Personally I like to reserve full days off for something fun like going whitewater rafting, or for sick or injury days.  On the TA we never stayed the same place two days in a row.  Even when we took a day off to go whitewater rafting we rode a few miles to stay in a different place.

I started an 800 mile tour in the spring with almost zero miles in for the year.  I am a reasonably fit 58 year old and run regularly, but the lack of training miles on the bike was no big hardship.  I managed 80 miles per day average, but started out doing 60-65 or so at first.

My point is that you can do it and without a lot of training if you want.  Just don't do too much too soon.  Build your mileage as you go.  This will work if you are young or old, fit or out of shape.  That said it will be easier if you are reasonably fit and easier yet if you have some mileage on the bike under your belt.

Good luck and have a great tour.

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2009, 10:55:27 am »
I am going to take my bike(s) out of storage and see what opportunities present themselves. Even though I am in Maine and its never knows what tomorrow will bring weather wise. I could get some "practice" in yet.

Thank you for your common sense approach. Boy, it is hard to believe that one can just take off. Just think of all of the situations that present themselves in people's lives! With this option...they could change their whole life. And all they need is a bike with a destination.

I suppose before this point in time I was not ready to do something like this...but, now, I wish I could have left yesterday. Preparing for this journey is going to be fun.

Offline destination

Re: From Maine to Wisconsin
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2009, 10:08:41 am »
7:45 A.M. Bike out of storage. Aired up tires.
8:00 A.M. Temp: approx. 30 degree's out. biked in circles for a bit.
12:45 P.M. One mile trial ride. Hills and mud inclusive.
Learning that winter biking is actually do-able.
Seeing as it is officially winter (past Dec. 21)
I have officially "winter biked"
That is pretty cool. All I can say is... I am really excited.
 I wont have to hang my bike back up ever again.

I use to think that living far away from family was unfortunate...
Now its becoming a reason to grow, learn, believe, and dream.
The odds are against me...but, what a vision and goal.

Winter biked a tiny bit, twice today.

Never dreamed I would ever have been able to bike again.
Hope I am able to continue biking till the end.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 07:04:23 pm by destination »