Hello everyone.
I am a touring newb but not a bike newb. I have been on the local racing circuit (Spokane Rocket Velo) for a few years and been an avid cyclist for 30 years now. I have been trying/wanting to a northern tier ride across America for about 22 years now (since I was 15 and read about it in one of my bike magizines)
I go by "mugs" because that is my trail name from backpacking and so I just use it on all my other backpacking and car forums. I am one of those crazy Ultralighter backpackers. My base weight (everything except food, fuel and water) is slightly less then 5 lbs. Yes you have read correctly

And yes I am more then comfortable and stay nice and warm so don't flame me and trell me I am going to die and that it can't be done.
I plan on applying the same philosophy to my touring, expcept I will obviously augment some things out for more heavier items. Like my 4 ounce tarp for my 23 ounce fully enclosed tent, etc.
The one thing I have noticed is that the weights are heavy staring out...racks and panniers can weigh up to 8-10 ten pound empty so I will be working on getting that one figured out a bit more.
I have my next installment of vacation in the middle of march and would like to make that my first virgin run of touring. So if anybody nows of a decent 2-3 day ride from the Spokane area heading south (snow will still be north) please let me know.
In the mean time I am glad to have joined and will be lurking and absorbing all the info I can that way I don't post so many annoying newb questions..I know they get old on the forums I am on so I will try to be curtious to you all here as well.
Looking forward to "meeting" you all out there in touring land.