Author Topic: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists  (Read 13008 times)

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Offline runner_runnered

travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:46:13 pm »
hi, me and my friend are cycling from San Diego to New York starting in March. We are coming over from England, and were wondering if anyone who has done something similar could suggest to us what would be a reasonable amount to pay for travel insurance?

We are expecting it to take us roughly 2 months, and are healthy 21 / 22 year olds. I have seen quotes online for £300 odd, is this normal, outrageous, or a bit expensive?

any information would be great, cheers

Offline Susan

Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 02:22:35 pm »
Ouch!  300 pounds sounds really expensive to me - I live in Germany - when I travel outside the country for more than 45 days then I insure myself thru the major automobile club here, ADAC - I am not even a member.  If you are under 27 years old, it costs 36 Euros/32 pounds/US$ 51 for 2 months, a little more if you are older.  Of course the price depends upon what is exactly covered but you should be able to find something better.  Here many banks also offer reasonable travel insurance deals.    Good luck!  Susan

Offline John Nelson

Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, 04:35:16 pm »
I'm guessing you are talking about medical insurance. If so, and if it covers almost everything with a low or no deductable or co-pay, then the price you cite doesn't sound too bad to me. But policies vary all over the map as to what and how much they cover.

If you're talking about some other kind of insurance, please clarify and tell us what it covers.


  • Guest
Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 04:35:44 pm »

Offline Galloper

Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 09:46:59 am »
CTC is a good bet for travel insurance but I'm not sure if they do health insurance.   My recommendation is take a trip to your local Insurance Broker and get them to get some quotes for you.   You need to bear in mind that you are indulging in what insurers take as a dangerous sport so it can take a bit of looking around.   I seem to recall I had to pay £120 for a year's cover.

Incidentally, the CTC membership is well worth it.   Companies like Evans and Wiggle give discounts to CTC members.   I reckon on saving my membership fees several times over every year.   You also get a discount on YHA membership.   I know the USA isn't ell provided with hostels but there are some in the bigger cities.

You'll also find that a lot of sites accept the CTC membership card as a camping carnet.

Have fun

Offline tonythomson

Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2009, 03:24:00 pm »
Hi, I do a lot of long distance riding including over in USA - my insurance is through my bank card - which is also an essential bit of kit to have along.  Might have to upgrade with your bank and let the insurance company know you will be away maybe for longer than there time period for any one trip.   Never had any probs with them and doesn't cost more than a few pounds to extend.

Whatever you decide and why maybe you could post on this log as I'm sure it would help others.
Good luck with your trip
Just starting to record my trips


  • Guest
Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2009, 05:14:24 pm »
Incidentally, the CTC membership is well worth it. 

I joined CTC for my trip to Europe this year and it has been one of the best investments I have ever made. A delight to work with.

Offline runner_runnered

Re: travel insurance for a cross country trip - uk cyclists
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2009, 02:51:37 pm »
thanks for the CTC link, I have had a look through and it seems very helpful, I will look into it in more detail after christmas and then hopefully can get something sorted.

and thanks Tony, I will post back with whatever I find in case it can help anyone else in the future. It is an area of preparation for the trip that I (and I guess many other people) didn't consider to be something that might be of much hassle. I have been thinking so much about the route, equipment etc, and never really considered that 2 months cycling abroad will require a little bit more than insurance for a few days in Spain!