My first 'long' tour was Land's End to John O' Groats, the SW of England to the NE of Scotland, about 1,000 miles. After a long day on the train, my riding buddy and I arrived at the youth hostel in Penzance, about 20 miles from the start and where we were staying the night. Rather than use half a day getting to Land's End and back, we decided to knock this first section off after dinner. No biggie, we were young and in good shape so 40 miles unladen wouldn't take us all that long.
Except we took a wrong turning on the way, which meant it was much later than we intended by the time we arrived at Land's End and it was already dark when we set off back to the youth hostel. And we had no lights. And we had both chosen to wear black t-shirts that day. Oh, we were young.
20 miles of narrow, winding English country road with no shoulder and lots of cars. I'm sure we scared the heck out of a whole bunch of motorists that night. I know we certainly scared the heck out of ourselves, but more by luck than anything else, we made it back unscathed. thoughts at the start of the tour were "Ooobloodyhell, I wish we didn't have to do this."
At the end though, my thoughts were "Aw, I wish I didn't have to be back at work on Monday. There's so much more to see."
Happy days.