Author Topic: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix  (Read 13386 times)

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Offline tomhampton6

Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:09:30 pm »
Can I use my basic tires riding from San Diego to Phoenix?  I have a Trek 520 with Touring tires but I am worried that I need special tire because of the catus and other hazards in the South West. Advice?

Offline John Nelson

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 09:01:53 pm »
Be careful what you run over, and don't ride too close to the edge of the road (if traffic permits, ride where the right wheels of the cars run), and you'll be fine with the standard 520 tires. But nothing is flat-proof, so take along what you need to fix flats.

Offline tonythomson

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 05:10:17 am »
If they don't have the puncture resistant kevlar band - change them.  There is another thread running with same ? loads of advice all the same.  Change em.

It's the almost invisible wire from shredded tyres that get you.

It's a great ride by the way.
Just starting to record my trips

Offline Cyclesafe

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 07:45:26 pm »
My experience with the Bontrager Hardcases was not positive, but San Diego to Phoenix is a short trip.  If they are not too old when you start out, you'll be fine.  If you are worried take a spare.  Flat fixing gear and tire boots must be part of your kit.

Radial tire remnants are the main issue on the route.  But keep clear of any cholla (AKA jumping) cactus.  Their spines will go through your shoes not to mention your tires.

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 11:24:08 pm »
I always carry one or two spare tires and several spare tubes.  I have often used the tubes, of course, and, on occassion, the tire(s).

May the wind be at your back!

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2010, 04:23:09 pm »
It might be worth checking to see if your local bike shop has puncture resistant tubes.  Couple that with a thick touring tire, and you will be nearly unstoppable.  I had good luck with that setup while rolling over goathead thorns in New Mexico and Arizona.

Offline ride1948

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 09:30:11 pm »
 I just rode from San Diego to Phoenix in December and used Schwalbe Marathon XR’s. Rode over unavoidable glass and other road junk never had a flat or a problem. I’m sold on the tires. Have a great ride.     

Offline waynemyer

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Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2010, 08:10:04 pm »
I'll toss another item into the fray: tire strips.  Something like these:

My partner and I were getting very frequent flats on our tandem as a result of metal wire from shed radial belting.  I put in a pair of these and have not had a flat since.  And I have picked up (and out) lots of wire; it just didn't make it into the tube.  (user:waynemyer)

Offline staehpj1

Re: Tires when riding from San Diego to Phoenix
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2010, 07:07:45 am »
My experience with the Bontrager Hardcases was not positive, but San Diego to Phoenix is a short trip.

I found the Hardcases barely OK.  They seemed to get kind of soft and sticky after riding in 100+ heat for a week or so and once that happened they seemed to flat more often.

That said I don't get too excited about flat prevention other than watching where I pull off the pavement in goat head thorn country and watching what I run over elsewhere.  When it comes to slime tubes, thorn proof tubes, and mr tuffy strips I don't use any of them.  I prefer light weight tubes.

I just use a tire that is reasonably flat resistant (Ultra Gatorskins) and don't mind fixing a flat once in a while.  It beats having a couple extra pounds of rotating mass and a dead feeling ride in my opinion.