Author Topic: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery  (Read 10028 times)

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Offline Tessah

Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:23:10 pm »
I recently had surgery to repair a herniated disc in my neck (C5-6) and am wondering about other cyclists' recovery experiences with such a procedure.  How long before you were back on your bike, how long did it take you to recovery and feel 100%.  Do you have any tips or advice for getting back on and in solid riding form?  Certainly there are a lot of variables, I'm just looking for broad strokes.  Thanks.

Offline destination

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 04:03:32 pm »
I wish you a speedy recovery!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 04:12:56 pm by destination »

Offline MrBent

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 09:51:57 am »
I  hope you get better soon!  If bending your neck is at all going to be a concern, you might look into recumbents.  The designs vary quite a bit, but many allow a conventional, fairly straight-necked posture.  Others are much more reclined, so your head would bend forward instead of backwards, as on a conventional bike.  Just something to keep in mind should you find yourself with any limitations!


Offline MaryK

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 01:24:40 pm »
I had the same rupture (C5-C6) 8 or 9 years ago.  I didn't have the surgery but let the disc heal on it's own.  It happened in January and I was riding that summer. The first ride out was painful but it got better.  In 2007, I rode the Northern Tier. 

My neck still aches on occasion so I continue to do exercises to strengthen and stretch.  It reminds me that I'm mortal but hasn't impeded my riding.

Best of luck in your recovery.


Offline aRoudy1

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2010, 06:57:08 pm »
I had C-1/C-2 fused in Nov '07 and was riding 3 months later.  The riding position on my upright was rather uncomfortable for me so I bought a LWB recumbent; last year I rode it 3000+ miles with no problems.

Good luck.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 10:17:13 pm »
Sounds serious. I got some really nasty whiplash in a train wreck in Ireland. Seventy mph to a dead stop is no fun and it does not do your neck any good either. Eighteen people killed, sixty-five injured, some really seriously horrifically injured. I felt like hell for a long time
with pain all along the spine and neck. I would not have bicycled anytime soon after that.

Offline bogiesan

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2010, 09:56:47 am »
I recently had surgery to repair a herniated disc in my neck (C5-6) and am wondering about other cyclists' recovery experiences with such a procedure.  How long before you were back on your bike, how long did it take you to recovery and feel 100%.  Do you have any tips or advice for getting back on and in solid riding form?  Certainly there are a lot of variables, I'm just looking for broad strokes.  Thanks.

One word: recumbent. But asking here is only going to get you enthusiastic anecdotal stories with little medical accuracy.
I'd be starting with my doctor and then a sports-specific physical therapist who understands bikes.

david boise ID
I play go. I use Macintosh. Of course I ride a recumbent

Offline dab

Re: Recovering from Cervical Disc surgery
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2010, 11:37:01 am »
I recently had surgery to repair a herniated disc in my neck (C5-6) and am wondering about other cyclists' recovery experiences with such a procedure.  How long before you were back on your bike, how long did it take you to recovery and feel 100%.  Do you have any tips or advice for getting back on and in solid riding form?  Certainly there are a lot of variables, I'm just looking for broad strokes.  Thanks.

interesting. i had the same issue a year ago. ruptured disc at C5-C6. had a cervical laminectomy on 3/12/09. walking only for 6 weeks after.  added easy cycling (mostly on the trainer, but some gentle outdoor stuff) for another 6 weeks.  also added walking LOTS of stairs during the 2nd 6 weeks. at 12 weeks, was 100% and cleared to begin my ironman training program. been 100% since, never looked back. was the nastiest, most painful inujury i ever had.

my advice would be to follow a similar recovery plan. LOTS of walking, working up to speed walking and stair climbing to begin with. the problem with cycling too soon is that when you are in the drops or aerobars, your head will be tilted up and this is a no-no for your injury recovery. start out easy and by 12 weeks, you ought to be feeling pretty good. everyone is different. but that's how it went for me.  good luck !!