Author Topic: Roadside repair question...  (Read 9574 times)

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Offline BeardedBiker

Roadside repair question...
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:03:23 pm »
Does anyone have any handy ideas for drive-side rear wheel road-side spoke replacement? I was recently riding in Costa Rica when I had some spoke issues, all drive side. I could have easily replaced a spoke on the non-drive side, but without a chain whip, and large wrench for the cassette removal tool, I was stuck. Of course, I didn't have any extra spokes with me (I was just riding, not "touring"), so this is really an academic discussion so I can be prepared for next time... Any ideas? Do I modify a length of chain? What about the tool to loosen the cassette--which I usually use with a big, heavy adjustable wrench...

Offline John Nelson

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 10:34:50 pm »
There are a number of small devices that can remove the lockring. One is the Stein Mini Cassette Lock. It only weights 2 ounces and does the entire job itself. It is sold right here on the ACA store on this website for $28. There are other imitation devices that cost less, which may or may not be as good. But the Stein is clearly the leader.

The other main option is to simply carry one or more FiberFix spokes, also sold here at the ACA Store for $10.

When I tour, I carry both (plus some extra spokes of course).

Offline DaveB

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2010, 10:35:38 pm »
Harris Cyclery sells a portable mini-lockring tool that does what you want, it allows you to remove the lockring while the wheel is on the bike with no other tool.  Here is the URL reference:

Here is a reference for a DIY tool that does the same thing but, read the caveats before using it.  Used incorrectly or if the lockring is very tight it can damage your frame.

Offline Spokey

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 12:40:23 am »
Surprised no one suggest a fiber fix spoke.

I haven't actually used one myself.  I know I'll regret saying this but I haven't broken a spoke in decades but I do carry one of these.  Maybe those Velocity Dyad 40Fx48R rims were worth it.

My brother has used them and swears by them.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 07:43:22 am »
Harris Cyclery sells a portable mini-lockring tool that does what you want, it allows you to remove the lockring while the wheel is on the bike with no other tool.  Here is the URL reference:

Here is a reference for a DIY tool that does the same thing but, read the caveats before using it.  Used incorrectly or if the lockring is very tight it can damage your frame.

Harris also sells the Unior it costs less than half as much weighs less and works fine.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 10:20:35 am »
Surprised no one suggest a fiber fix spoke.
Yea, me too.  :)

Offline Spokey

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 10:24:08 am »
ok, ok.  so i can't read.  amazon has them too.  a little cheaper although the shipping might wipe that out.

Offline BeardedBiker

Re: Roadside repair question...
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2010, 10:06:43 pm »
Great tips! Thanks. I've got some stuff to buy.... I've also got to replace my Pedro's multi-tool that got confiscated at the Costa Rican airport... no problem with US TSA screeners though (they have good guidelines on what's allowed and not allowed on carry-ons). Interestingly, the Costa Rican security also wouldn't allow me to take zip-ties on the plane. Whatever. I still loved CR and can't wait to go back.
