Author Topic: speeding tickets  (Read 6719 times)

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Offline destination

speeding tickets
« on: March 11, 2010, 07:37:10 pm »
The person who instilled in me, the inspiration to bike (long distances), that it can be done, and that it is done (prior to my knowledge of ACA and the like) has been riding a bike most of his life.

I am not sure if I was horrified, surprised, or in disbelief that anybody on a bike could get a speeding ticket. But, he did at one time. I doubt this is common. I hardly know this person, yet I respect him, not because he acquired a speeding ticket, but because he did something that (nobody I ever knew) ever did! (Until of course I ended up here) Biking is a way of life for him.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 08:20:55 pm by destination »

Offline whittierider

Re: speeding tickets
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2010, 09:28:14 pm »
It's pretty rare, even for those who have gone way over the speed limit.  Someone on another forum said recently that a policeman stopped him for going 55mph in a 45 zone, or something like that (which I've done too), but the officer said he just wanted to shake the hand of someone who could handle a bike at that speed.  I've done 55 on the tandem and probably could have done 65 there if the traffic weren't an issue, and then last year spun it up to 53 in the same place on my single bike in my 53/12 gear and on the aerobars and could have gone a little more if traffic had allowed.

Offline johnsondasw

Re: speeding tickets
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2010, 10:23:11 pm »
I have one spot in my area where I often hit 35 or more in a 25, but never get a ticket.  I've been going through that area for about 35 years.  I guess I would consider it a point of honor to get one on a bike.  I really don't like to get going over about 40-45.  You are very vulnerable to minor factors that could cause a major/fatl wreck on a bike--even a squirrel in the road.
May the wind be at your back!

Offline whittierider

Re: speeding tickets
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 02:30:05 am »
I really don't like to get going over about 40-45.  You are very vulnerable to minor factors that could cause a major/fatl wreck on a bike--even a squirrel in the road.
It's definitely the kind of thing you only do when conditions are good.

I think it was the last year Lance won the Tour, one of his team mates crashed on a descent at over 60mph.  They put a new wheel in his bike and off he went.  I think all my crashes have been below 20mph.  Fortunately I go many years between, but it's kind of a regular part of racing.

I did hit a medium-sized dog once, head-on, with a closing speed of close to 50mph.  I probably set a PR for heart rate.  I didn't crash, but from reading others' stories, I now know that if I had hit the dog any other way, it would have been curtains for me.  My left fork blade hooked his nose, and my left foot kicked its shoulder and sent it flying down over the rock levee.  After I regained my balance, I looked back and saw the dog trying to get up with what appeared to be a lot of broken bones.  I'm sure it didn't live long.

The first time I was out on my new bike, I ran right over the middle of a squirrel.  It was very soft, and although I felt it, it wasn't much of a bump.

Offline waynemyer

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Re: speeding tickets
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2010, 11:00:01 am »
Speeding ticket, right here.  40 in 30 in Klamath Falls OR.  Not the most bike-friendly town in Oregon, but certainly not the worst.  The judge dismissed the ticket.  (user:waynemyer)

Offline johnsondasw

Re: speeding tickets
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2010, 12:31:07 pm »
I hope you framed the ticket and hung it on the wall.
May the wind be at your back!