Author Topic: BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide  (Read 7090 times)

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Offline BikerGal

BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:35:09 pm »
I'm doing a portion of the Great Divide from Steamboat to Salida in July. Is a BOB really necessary or can I get away with panniers?

Offline lisap

Re: BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 12:18:45 pm »
No you can do it with panniers. The group I rode with had both as did lots of people we met on the way.
Less drag with panniers but make sure you load them evenly.
The section your doing is lovely, have a great trip.

Offline BikerGal

Re: BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 07:00:47 pm »
Thanks for the info. It's very useful. Now i'm wondering if I can get away with a Burley two-wheeled cargo trailer. Any thoughts?

Offline lisap

Re: BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2010, 02:52:56 pm »
I have never seen anyone use a Burley on dirt roads before but I would consider the following points before you decide. (and apologies if you already know all this)

Width will be a factor on narrower trails, none are true single track in the area you are riding that I can remember but the route can be quite rocky in Colorado which may also impede your progress.

There are some very big hills and two more wheels will create a lot more drag.

Two more wheels also gives you the potential for lots more punctures. As you go further down towards New Mexico there are nasty little sharp leafed plants that grow on the trails. Roll over just one and unless you have slime tubes or liners inside your tyres you will get punctures. Again slime causes more drag so do you really want to have 4 tubes filled with the stuff.

If you do want to take a trailer I would advise a single wheel, if not a BOB try an Extra Wheel (I think it is called) or something similar. Whatever you chose make sure it is sturdy, we had 3 broken Bob's within a short space of time. If you decide to go the pannier route then make sure your wheel rims are strong enough to take the extra weight and abuse of the trail. The washboard really is as bone shaking as everyone says it is.

Hope this has helped a bit.


Offline rvklassen

Re: BOB needed? Steamboat to Salida Great Divide
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2010, 01:33:38 pm »
Less drag with panniers but make sure you load them evenly.
Also less weight.  For rough conditions, if you use a Bob, you might be better off with one with suspension, and that's even heavier.  The advantages of panniers include:
- less total weight - the weight of racks and (empty) panniers, unless you choose particularly heavy ones, is less than that of the Bob (non-suspension version).
- More organization (which may be a personality thing).
- Fewer spare tires/tubes needed (unless you actually have a bike with the same size wheels as the trailer).

If you can manage it, do get panniers with a quality fastening system, such as the Ortlieb or Arkel versions.  It's just no fun having your stuff bounce off and fall on the ground...