Author Topic: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am  (Read 17705 times)

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Offline StuUK

Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:17:07 pm »
I will be flying into Dulles Airport from the UK sometime in early May 2010 to do the Trans Am.

What are my options for getting from the Airport to Yorktown, either by bike or using public transport?

Can I actually ride from the airport itself, or is this only served by larger roads?

In reality I will probably need to get my bike and bags to a motel near the start of my connecting route and sleep off my jet lag and rebuild my bike!

If I decide to cycle to the start, it looks like the Tidewater Potomac route or part of the Atlantic Coast route might be the best options. Which is the more scenic with the best opportunities for camping?

Any advice gratefully received; but until then I will carry on scouring the net to see what I can find.



Offline BobG

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 05:10:49 pm »
Hi Stu,

The easiest way to get to Yorktown/Williamsburg from Dulles is to take a domestic flight on to Richmond (50 miles from Williamsburg) or Newport News (15 miles). There is a shuttle service from Richmond on to Williamsburg, or you can cycle from there.

Bicycling from Dulles is not impossible but would be a challenge. Should you decide to try, go west out of the terminal, look for Old Ox Road (RT 606) to get you started in the most uncongested direction. Avoid Rt 28! You might find a campground near Manassas. (Bull Run Regional Park?) Google Map it on to town of Independent Hill and you will be on the Adventure Cycling Map #34 of the Atlantic Coast Route. 100 miles south brings you to Ashland and the junction with the Trans America bike route. (There's a rather expensive KOA campground on that leg back just south of Fredericksburg). Go east from Ashland on Trans Am maps #147-150 87 miles to Williamsburg. Yes, the same route you'll be coming back west on.

Bear in mind that the roads even beyond outer suburbs of DC can be a nightmare if you take the wrong one. Once you get on the AC routes they meander but they will take the quietest possible route.

The Tidewater Potomac route east from Fredericksburg is nice and more direct and would save you riding the TransAm route twice to and from Ashland. But it will dead end you at a long narrow bridge over the Rappahannock At White Stone. You might be able to beg a ride across from a motorist, then some busy roads and more bridges from there on the final leg to Williamsburg.

Good luck! Starting the Trans Am is the hardest part!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 05:42:18 pm by BobG »

Offline John Nelson

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 05:50:55 pm »
If you do decide to take Bob's advice and fly on to Richmond, here are the ACA suggestions on how to get to Williamsburg from Richmond:

To shuttle by bike from this airport: ride north on Krause Road to Hwy 60 and turn east (right) onto US 60. Ride this to the junction of State Hwy 33 & 156. You are now on the Trans America Bicycle Trail (see your route map for details) Williamsburg is 45 miles east on US 60/State 33 & 156. Total distance from airport to Williamsburg is about 50 miles.

Airport Shuttle from Richmond to Williamsburg: Call Groome Transportation 804-222-7222 / 800-552-7911. The fee is approximately $35. They can take boxed bikes. Call for reservations. (

Offline StuUK

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 06:33:31 pm »
Bob, John,

Thanks for the advice, very useful, it does seem quite tricky to get to the start at Yorktown. It's bad enough getting from my home in Devon UK to London Heathrow!

I just went over the bridge you mentioned Bob using Google street view, they certainly don,t cater for cyclist or pedestrians!

I think the connecting flight might be the best option, It just depends how much they try to sting me for me and a bike.

More research I think!

Thanks again.


Offline BobG

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2010, 08:43:19 am »
Stu, If you ticket yourself all the way through to Richmond or Newport News from Heathrow, I would think that the airline would have a single charge for the bike for the entire trip. Last summer I checked my bike in with Horizon/Alaska Air for a short hop from Eugene OR to Portland OR with transfers on to Atlanta and Newport News on Delta. I paid Horizon's fee of $50 (+$20 box). That took the bike all the way to VA. Had I boarded in Portland, Delta's fee would have been $200 or so but that would have included the transfer in Atlanta. Not sure about your airline but most check luggage to the final destination for their one initial fee no matter how many other carriers are involved.

Offline StuUK

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2010, 07:12:17 pm »
Thanks for that tip Bob, I'll contact Virgin Atlantic and see what they have to say.



Offline BrianW

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2010, 03:04:06 pm »
The airport in Newport News/Norfolk, Virginia, is the closest to Yorktown. US Airways serves that route through Philadelphia (LHR-PHL-ORF), and several other airlines connect through other cities. Just did a quick Travelocity search on June 5 and saw a fare of $695 USD RT through New York (good price for June!).

You could also fly into New York or Philadelphia and catch the AMTRAK train down to Newport News, Virginia (near Yorktown), then ride from there.


Offline msheald

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2010, 12:00:35 pm »
Hello! The W&OD trail goes from just north of Dulles Airport east to US1 near route 395, about where the Atlantic Coast route crosses. The W&OD trail is wonderful. I'm not sure where it connects with the Atlantic Coast trail on its eastern end, but it would not be far away. You then take the Atlantic Coat route south till it connects with the TransAmerica trail around Richmond. You either take that east to Yorktown or start west. Best regards.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 12:02:26 pm by msheald »

Offline StuUK

Re: Dulles Airport to Yorktown to start Trans am
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2010, 01:52:10 pm »
Thanks Mike & Bri for the last two posts.

I think I'll probably end up getting a one way car hire from Dulles to Yorktown, sounds a bit lazy but I want to get on the Trans Am route asap and don't really want to have to back track the Richmond section.

Thanks for everyone's input, very helpful.

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