Author Topic: 700/29er tire & tube availability?  (Read 5921 times)

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Offline EnduroDoug

700/29er tire & tube availability?
« on: March 22, 2010, 02:48:06 pm »
Forgive me if this question should be on another forum since it's more about international touring than American touring but I know there's a wealth of experience on this board and well...

I've seen a lot of anecdotal information about how much harder it is to find tires/tubes/rims for the larger diameter wheels in the less developed parts of the world and it's really throwing a wrench in my bike-buying decision. I've been an avid mountain biker for over a decade and switched several years ago to the 29er wheels and have no intention of going back to 26-inch wheels for mountain biking, but my wife and I are also planning a lengthy cycling tour through Morocco and over to Turkey. I'm planning on using fully-rigid mountain bikes (the Novarra Safari most likely) but I'm concerned about the 29er tires that come with the larger sizes. On the one hand, that's what I prefer and I don't mind taking a chance and risking having to have something shipped in while I wait for a repair if the odds are 50/50 of finding a shop with something usable on hand, but are the odds even that high?

For those who have had to deal with repairs in Morocco and/or Turkey (or nearby Greece for that matter), have you ever noticed 29er tires or tubes available?

Most touring bikes seem to come with 700 tires -- are people only using these in first-world countries like USA/Canada and western Europe? Has anyone taken a 700/29er (sometimes called a 28") to the less-developed countries with success?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Offline velo

Re: 700/29er tire & tube availability?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 10:58:30 pm »
No specific experience but a few thoughts.

UPS/Fed Ex/etc deliver to an amazing number of places. If the chips were really down you could probably get parts shipped to most places. Might be a good excuse for a couple rest days.

Carry enough (2-3 each?) spare tubes and patches and you'll be good there. Carry 1 or 2 spare tires if your worried about it. Roll on something super durable like some of the Schwalbes and it'd likely be fine.

Maybe check out some of the gear lists over at crazyguyonabike, might find some insights there. Good luck!

Offline EnduroDoug

Re: 700/29er tire & tube availability?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 02:05:51 pm »
Thanks velo. I figure if worse came to worse, I could coach a family member via skype on what to buy and where to ship it from the US if I happened to crack a rim.