Author Topic: Click driving me nuts  (Read 13825 times)

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Offline Spokey

Click driving me nuts
« on: April 02, 2010, 01:27:12 pm »

I have been trying to elminate a click since last fall.  Since then I have replaced the BB.  I recently put another set of pedals (NOS) and thought it went away, but of course it's back.

I'd swear that I can feel it though my shoe sometimes.  I have thought about new cleats (SPD) but I think I can get it when not clipped in.  It's a little hard to pedal that way so I'm not quite sure about that yet.  It does not occur if I unclip and let my left foot hang.  Just pedal with my right foot.  I think it tends to go away with constant pressure (i.e. push down and pull up on the pedal stroke).  I think it occurs more with a light/moderate effort.

So I'm thinking of trying Locktite on the pedal threads and the crank arm.  Any thoughts on which or both and which level?  I'm thinking that 'blue' might make the most sense.

Offline whittierider

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 02:33:26 pm »
These things can be deceiving, as sound can travel down a frame tube and make it seem like it is originating someplace besides where it really is.  For example, it could be where the seat rails are clamped (does it go away when you pedal out of the sadde?) or the headset, or some other place.  Don't rule them out.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 06:05:12 pm »
Very Interesting! What Brand, Model and Year Bike? What is the drive train including crank? Did you replace the BB yourself, or did you bring it to a shop? (Sounds fore "bearing.") ???

Offline tsteven4

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 07:09:54 pm »
This happened to my wife.  She would have a creak, one around with the crank, under stiff climbing.  It ended up being a small rock covered in old chain lube that had wedged itself between two of the chainrings.  It appeared to just be another glob of chain lube/debris between the rings, but when I finally went to clean that out I discovered it was a rock.  Fixed!

Good Luck

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2010, 11:18:45 pm »
I've had it happen from loose seat post, bottom bracket issues, and loose pedals.  the devil of these things is that they only happen when under riding pressure, so putting the bike in the stand and turning the pedals doesn't produce the click.
May the wind be at your back!

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2010, 11:19:52 pm »
Oh, I forgot--and once in a headset that  needed lubing and retightening!
May the wind be at your back!

Offline Spokey

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2010, 11:57:15 pm »
Very Interesting! What Brand, Model and Year Bike? What is the drive train including crank? Did you replace the BB yourself, or did you bring it to a shop? (Sounds fore "bearing.") ???

2002 Co-motion americano.  RaceFace Prodigy crankset.  BB replaced with a RaceFace by the LBS.

Rear is Shimano mega-9 11-34.  Hugi hubs.  Shouldn't matter but the read is wider than normal.  145 axle?  Symetrical dish.

Offline Spokey

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2010, 11:58:32 pm »
This happened to my wife.  She would have a creak, one around with the crank, under stiff climbing.  It ended up being a small rock covered in old chain lube that had wedged itself between two of the chainrings.  It appeared to just be another glob of chain lube/debris between the rings, but when I finally went to clean that out I discovered it was a rock.  Fixed!

Good Luck

It should be something like that because the click occurs in the same part of the crank location regardless of front or rear gear selection.

Offline kdiehl

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2010, 02:43:33 pm »
The unfindable click on my Americano turned out to be the left pedal. Not loose, just not tight enough.

I also had a pair of shoes with clipless cleats that developed a click when climbing hard. Something flexing in the cleat backing plate. New shoes fixed that. New cleats did not.

Offline aggie

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2010, 04:48:33 pm »
I get a similar click in one of my pedals especially after I ride in the rain.  It seems some debris finds its way into the pedal threads.  I remove the pedal and clean the threads.  I put some new grease on the threads before I reinsert.  It hasn't failed to stop the click.

Offline Spokey

Re: Click driving me nuts
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2010, 10:24:52 pm »
Well today I swapped back the old pedals, tightened the crank bolt (that might have been a little loose but I turned it the wrong way at first), tightened the chainring bolts, and replaced the cleats.

Did a short 10 miler afterwards and no click.  But the little imp has tried to trick me before.   I'll see tomorrow after a ride to my sisters for Easter dinner.  That's a decent 26 miles.  If I can get by a week I'll have some hope.