Author Topic: If you're planning a law/police career along with a TransAmerica ride...  (Read 4496 times)

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Offline RussellB

The above link is my attempt to identify the best opportunities along the TransAmerica Trail to watch state and federal judicial proceedings within each TransAmerica Trail state.

The idea is that if you're planning a cross-country bicycle ride along the TransAmerica Trail, and are subsequently planning a career in either law or law enforcement, you can use the above list to gain experience during your ride which will allow you to use your cross-country bicycle ride to your advantage in job interviews, law school applications, and your resume.

Offline 7884rider

interesting idea. my friend is already a cop and is certified cyclist. i think you should use it on your resume whatever your occupation. it tells much about your character...and maybe that you're a little crazy (in a good way). :)