Author Topic: Tool kit?  (Read 21678 times)

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Offline biased bohemian

Re: Tool kit?
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2010, 09:09:28 pm »
As far as a multi tool, I have found the Specialized EMT Comp to have all the fixings that I need.  See my amateur review here:

Basic summary - it has:
Exclusive Disc pad separator and shims
Allen Wrenches: 2/2.5/3/4/5/6/8
Box Wrenches: 6/8/9/10
T25 Torx
#1 Phillips
4.5mm flat blade
Tire lever
Chain breaker
Bottle opener

Nice thing is it is compact and easy to manage.  Also, the bottle opener is the only tool that will get me through a hard days ride.
___________________________________ - an unabashedly biased look at the world from one small unapologetic man

Offline whittierider

Re: Tool kit?
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2010, 09:22:54 pm »

Interesting, I had to laugh, I was testing. It was funny that I was on an electric bike, down in Fort Lauderdale and the bike was their top of the line bike from Germany after such a big build up the pedal fell off.  Thanks for the advice . I will take off the pedals and re grease them.   :)

In that case, was it a cheapie 1/2"-thread pedal instead of the 9/16" that's on normal mid-range and high-end bikes, and, after your comment about not all manufacturers using what you called "counter threads," (which I take to mean a left-hand thread on the left pedal), did it have a right-hand thread on both?  That (especially the latter) will definitely cause trouble.

Offline rvklassen

Re: Tool kit?
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2010, 09:41:34 pm »
...after your comment about not all manufacturers using what you called "counter threads," (which I take to mean a left-hand thread on the left pedal), did it have a right-hand thread on both?  That (especially the latter) will definitely cause trouble.
In  40 years, including a stint at a bike shop, I've never seen a left pedal without left threads.  I figured that was a reference to a time nearly lost to the mists of antiquity.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Tool kit?
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2010, 09:51:55 pm »
I am not sure on the Electric Bike. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't 1/2" and the thread was the wrong way. I haven't had the problem since I replaced the crank and pedals.

Offline digimarket

Re: Tool kit?
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2010, 10:04:31 pm »
There is some very good advice above.  I recently bought a very inexpensive (and light) multitool from Performance that has screwdriver tips and an assortment of hex wrenches that fold out.  I had been carrying a lot of different sized L shaped hex wrenches and a hex bit set.  This is an improvement in weight and not being able to lose items.  I found I still needed to carry a couple of the larger ones, and an extra 5MM for the saddle clamp bolt (one on each side).  I will check out the previously mentioned Park tool to see if it has a better mix of sizes.

General advice on tool "kits" - get your tools out and go over your entire bike seeing what fits where - then leave the tools that don't fit anything at home to save weight.  Make sure you have something that fits everything and that you know when and how to use it.  (Obviously special headset, bottom bracket and crank-puller tools may be optional because they can be heavy - just make sure these things are correct before you set out because any of these that loosen up many miles from a well-equipped bike shop can do a lot of damage.)

A very lightweight and important addition to your kit starts by making sure that you have a Sedis chain on your bike - because it has a master link that doesn't require a chaintool.  If you are going long distance - carry the extra links that came off your new chain (you did put a new chain on for the trip didn't you?) a chain tool and a couple of extra Sedis master links.  With this you should be able to repair anything that goes wrong with the chain (including shortening it to limp along length if your rear derailleur totally falls apart).  Practice with the chain tool on your old chain - they require some experience. Considering how important the chain is - you want to make sure you are prepared to clean and lubricate it regularly on long trips.

Someone mentioned carrying a tire "boot" and an extra tire.  I second this as some tire damage (like loose brake pads cutting though the sidewall) is terminal.  I also have a thumb tack with a plastic head on it in my tire repair kit - this is handy for probing the tire for glass and thorns - so you don't patch the tube only to have another flat five miles later.  A pill vial with baby powder in it would be handy to powder your new tubes and repair patches on the road - but I admit I've never bothered to carry one on tour.

I have a tiny adjustable plier in my kit that weighs almost nothing and is very handy for grabbing brake cables or the other side of a clamp bolt when the wrench that fits is on the other side.  I also have a tiny crescent wrench that I cut the center of the handle out and filed down to the minimum weight.  Over the years these have stood up well and been used a lot.  Neither of these is over four inches long and they are quality tools - not cheapos.

The most effective and lightest item for your tool kit is preventative maintenance before you set out. 
Bertoni Corsa Montadale, Bob Jackson, Viscount all rounder, Styre, Bianchi Boardwalk, Jamis Aurora, Schwinn Cimmaron, Schwinn High Sierra, Humber 3-speed.