Author Topic: Travel insurance to cover an American doing a solo ride [June/July] in France  (Read 5210 times)

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Offline seattlewoman

Good day:
I'm doing a solo ride in France soon. I thought I'd get travel coverage [trip cancellation, theft, medical, air evac] from, but when I read the fine print, it only covers someone on an organized ride. Huh?
What do you solo Americans do when you do a self-supported ride like this in Europe? I am female, over 50 and coming over by ferry from the UK in June.
Your advice is most welcome. Thank you

Offline rvklassen


US has the most expensive health care in the world, by about a factor of two over the next contender.
Yet the outcomes are no better than Canada (the next contender) or Europe (generally, some country-to-country variability exists).   If I were to buy insurance for a trip to Europe, it would not include health insurance.  Your US health insurance company will be thrilled to pay for (needed) health care in Europe.

Theft, evacuation, trip cancellation are different questions, all related to your risk tolerance, and (in the case of theft) what your homeowner's/renter's insurance covers.   

Offline seattlewoman

Thank you for the prompt reply. Actually my min requirement is air evac coverage. It is really all about risk tolerance, that's true. Unfortunately I have cyclist friends who experienced the nightmare: one of them hit wet cobblestones in Rome. Outcome was a very expensive 1st class flight back to the US, as his broken bones couldn't deal with the rigors of airline sardine class. I'm investigating an attachment to my homeowner's coverage for theft, but that route is probably useless, even if I reduce my deductible, as I've found insurance companies think everyone buys their bike at Costco for $29.95. I'm not worried really about health coverage. I am very familiar with national health as I've lived in other countries that have it. I just thought you have to bundle all this insurance stuff together. So, anyone know who might just offer air evac in case I hit a pothole in Brittany and hit my head on a menhir?

Offline Galloper

As you are starting from the UK, why not have a look at the CTC insurance scheme (Cyclists Touring Club).   Membership of the CTC is cheap and they run their own insurance through a broker.   You can get details from their web site.

CTC offers quite a good range of member services and you get discounts at quite a few bike shops as well.

Have fun and look on the bright side, most of the pave is in North East, French roads are generally very good and French medical services are excellent.

Offline seattlewoman

Done! Thanks for the suggestion. I joined CTC today as they have interesting stuff on their website for members only. They kindly offer a rate for unemployed people [that's me!] 22.50 pounds. Not sure yet if their policy covers an American wanting to go back to USA, rather than someone going back to UK in case of emergency. FWIW, So far I have suggestions for TravelEx and CSA from someone in the Adv Cyclist office, [both appear to be very $$$, edging up to upper $400s for someone in my age bracket Sheesh.] I'm now mulling joining the YHA for $28 as they seem to offer something called HostelCare by TravelGuard, which doesn't appear to exclude self-supporting cyclists. I'm trying not to be too 'fraidy cat about all this, and do a rational pro/con decision, but my family is a little worried about me.

Offline Galloper

I really wouldn't get too worried, as I said French Medical Services are generally very good.   In any case, if you have a leg in plaster, most airlines will find a leg room seat.

Throw your heart over the channel and follow it!

Offline seattlewoman

Thank you for the positive feedback. Decision is risk is manageable, no travel insurance, pay attention to the road, and pack in my big Krypto lock.