Author Topic: Pacific Coast #3 San Francisco to ... Crater Lake  (Read 14184 times)

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Offline BikenMike

Pacific Coast #3 San Francisco to ... Crater Lake
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:41:30 am »
Hello everybody, I am new here and this is my first post.
I signed up for the Crater Lake Century on Aug 20,2011 and after thinking about travel I decided to make a vacation of it and ride all the way there!
I am starting from Castle Rock State park near Saratoga, CA and plan to do the Pacific Coast route to Crescent City then cross over to Crater Lake area.
The route is almost 600 miles so I am asking for input on what a reasonable travel time is for this trip.
My stats are:
1. I am in good shape and can bike 100 miles in a single day.
2. I will stay in hotels/hostels so I will travel very light.
3. I will be riding my new Cruzbike Quest recumbent so I will not suffer the typical ailments of the upright, like saddle, neck and wrist pain.
4. I will be traveling solo so I plan on riding between 7am to 5pm.
Gear I plan to take are GPS, cell phone, solar recharger (?) camera, maybe a very small video camera, and the other typical bike trip items like tubes, tools, gel packs etc.
My planned start is Sunday Aug 14 which would give me 6 days with no rest, or 5 days with one day rest before the century tour.
Let me know if you all think this is crazy or not...

Offline whittierider

Re: Pacific Coast #3 San Francisco to ... Crater Lake
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 01:40:02 am »
1. I am in good shape and can bike 100 miles in a single day.
4. I will be traveling solo so I plan on riding between 7am to 5pm.
Since you will be going against a very strong wind, you will want to start when it's barely light so you can get all your miles in before the wind comes up.

Offline cgarch

Re: Pacific Coast #3 San Francisco to ... Crater Lake
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 03:48:01 pm »
Interesting. I would first like to see what YOU would plan for stops. I'm only asking as this is a pretty simple route and that would give us a better idea of how good a grasp you have of the route. And it should be a short list. It is likely doable but you may end up at Crater Lake a little tired. And Crater Lake is at 9000' more or less. You didn't say how you plan to get home . . .

Since I scouted a similar route last year, here's my suggestion. Take Amtrak to Klamath Falls. Ride over to the Crater Lake area for the century. Then ride over 199 and on down 101 to Castle Rock. You'd be on the right side of the road and the wind would be at your back. You're going light, so I won't offer my favorite alternative along the Klamath River to Hoopa and then to Eureka.


Santa Rosa, CA