Author Topic: Kickstands?  (Read 43054 times)

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Offline EnduroDoug

« on: May 07, 2010, 12:57:28 pm »
I haven't owned a bike with a kickstand in several decades but my wife and I are setting out for our first multi-day tour around the San Juans next week and I'm starting to think a kickstand might come in handy, especially since my bike will be hooked to a Burly Nomad cargo trailer and I'd rather not have to detach it everytime I want to lay the bike down. Nor do I want to always have to lean it against something, especially if we stop at a cafe for lunch and have to leave it on the sidewalk.

Do most people tour with kickstands? If you installed one after-market, which one? Did it go on well? I'm particularly interested in those that will not mar up the surface of the frame and also be compatible with disc brakes. She's riding a 26" bike and I'm on a 29er (700c). Both mountain bikes with 1.5" touring tires.

Thanks in advance.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 01:46:59 pm »
Like you for years I refused to use a kickstand. I now have rediscovered them. Two suggestions below.

I use a Pletscher dual kickstand that attaches to the bottom bracket. I like it because I sometimes use a single wheel trailer and it allows me to keep the bike upright when parked. If you get it, put a couple of rubber tips on the ends to prevent sliding.

There is a company from Germany called Hebie that also makes a dual kickstand. It also attaches to the bottom bracket but a different design. http:///

Offline rvklassen

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 02:31:13 pm »
Do most people tour with kickstands?
We don't.  We use the ClickStandtm.  Less weight, will not mar the paint.  At least as stable.

Each stand is custom made to the size of the bike.  Pricing is competitive with kick-stands. 

Offline whittierider

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 02:47:03 pm »
That ClickStand looks like a good idea.  Many frames are no longer made to take the clamping pressure of an aftermarket kickstand, and putting one on could damage the frame, weakening, crushing, or cracking it.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 03:35:44 pm »
I ordered a Click-Stand and it came Wednesday.  Looks pretty good for my Waterford.  We used to just lay the bikes up against something.  On a tour last summer, the guy I tour with got poison ivy or some other toxic vegetation and he was not happy.  The only issue I have so far with the Click-Stand is that I have to remove the frame pump to use it. 

The Click Stand guy builds and ships pretty fast.  I was really impressed by that.

Offline EnduroDoug

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2010, 07:02:53 pm »
Thanks everyone. That Click-stand looks like a fine solution, especially since I would otherwise be taking the kickstand on/off depending on usage and that would lead to greater chance of damage to the frame. Think we'll just go without for our trip next week and order up some click-stands when we get back.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2010, 08:18:59 pm »
"Do most people tour with kickstands?"

I'd say of the bike tourists I met (mostly on the TA), the majority did not use kick stands.  The split was probably 70/30 or so favoring without, but that is just an estimate based on the riders I met on one coast to coast tour.

I prefer to do without one.  I almost always can find a place to lean my bike, but also don't mind laying it on it's side.  An extra pound or two just isn't worth it to me.  Oh and most of the bikes I have seen blow over were on kickstands.  A bike already laying on it's side can't blow over :)

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2010, 11:07:58 pm »
I tour with the Nomad.  You don't need to detach it to lay the bike on its side.  I've done it hundreds of times.  I'm not a kickstand fan, but different strokes.....
May the wind be at your back!

Offline ride4life

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 10:42:37 am »
I have a pletcher bipod kickstand, and it is sometimes handy.  Having said that, I did not buy one for my husband's bike, and might take mine off.  It does not seem to be able to handle the bike at full load (cooking equiptment, camping equiptment,etc) although it probably could if you were credit card touring.  Also, the bolt seems to come loose easily, and is not so easy to tighten with a multitool, you really need a skinny tool to get up in there where it's mounted to the bottom of frame.  when it's a little loose it rattles, but eventually it swings into the krank arms ...disconcerting. 

Offline ezdoesit

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2010, 06:49:14 pm »
Here is another vote for the clickstand I got mine last year and wouldn't be with out it ever again. I ride a 2008 Fuji Touring Bike 53 CM.
I f I ever lost it I would order one with out hesitation.
The owner Tom I believe is his name is a great person to deal with and he has an outstanding product.
Remember it's mind over matter
you don't mind it doesn't matter

Ride more Drive Less

Offline rvklassen

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2010, 09:40:19 am »
"Do most people tour with kickstands?"
An extra pound or two just isn't worth it to me. 

The click stand is about 75 grams.  That would be less than 3 oz.  ;D

Offline staehpj1

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2010, 12:33:47 pm »
"Do most people tour with kickstands?"
An extra pound or two just isn't worth it to me. 

The click stand is about 75 grams.  That would be less than 3 oz.  ;D

That may be true for the Click Stand, but it certainly isn't for some of the other options mentioned.

Offline Tourista829

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2010, 01:50:24 pm »
Click Stand??? Is that the thing we used back in the 70'sand 80's that attacked to the frame and the metal piece flip out and held the front tire in place?  ???

Offline whittierider

Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2010, 02:04:53 pm »

Click Stand??? Is that the thing we used back in the 70'sand 80's that attacked to the frame and the metal piece flip out and held the front tire in place?   ???

I think that was the "FlickStand."

Offline waynemyer

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Re: Kickstands?
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2010, 02:29:37 pm »
It was indeed the FlickStand.

In lieu of a FlickStand, I use a strap of heavy velcro and secure my front wheel.  This lets me reliably lean the bike just about anywhere, even if there is a grade.  Won't do anything to prevent poison ivy though.  Yikes!   :o  (user:waynemyer)