Author Topic: TerraTrike Recumbent on TransAmerican  (Read 6807 times)

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Offline carlbjackson

TerraTrike Recumbent on TransAmerican
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:33:40 pm »
Hi All -

Question---Is there any collective knowledge out there that knows of anyone who has attempted the TransAmerican on a recumbent trike (TerraTrike)?

My original plan was to hike the American Discovery Trail west to east come March 1, 2011. However, I developed a foot condition that is going to preempt me from walking all that way, so I bought a TerraTrike Cruiser ( to accomplish a coast to coast trip. I had thought I would be made to follow some of the many coast to coast Adventure Cycling's Road Routes, which would be fine I guess, but I was hoping to do a little more trail riding not to mention getting away from the traffic.

So, if anyone has heard about the possibility, of even the insanity, of attempting a cross country TransAmerican trip by recumbent trike I would love to hear from you.


Carl Jackson

Offline mucknort

Re: TerraTrike Recumbent on TransAmerican
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 12:03:27 am »
People are doing long distance tours on trikes quite frequently.

Here's a bunch:

Offline jkline

Re: TerraTrike Recumbent on TransAmerican
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 06:10:23 pm »
I've done a few state rides on a trike and just did the Lewis & Clark on a recumbent HP Velo.  The only problem I ever had on the trike was when routing onto the interstate and having to weave between the rumble strips and possibly during heavy road construction.  Other than that...the trike is a great way to go!!

Offline staehpj1

Re: TerraTrike Recumbent on TransAmerican
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 06:40:18 pm »
I don't know anything about the Terra Trike, but we met a number of trikes on the TA and they seemed to be doing just fine.