Author Topic: white gas or cannister stove for month long trip in Wyoming/Montana  (Read 21345 times)

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Offline whittierider

Re: white gas or cannister stove for month long trip in Wyoming/Montana
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2010, 12:21:12 am »
I might put in a plug for alcohol stoves.  These are really simple, and really reliable, as longs as the air temp is above freezing.  You can make them work below freezing, but you need a tea candle as a preheater.  If I remember right, canister stoves have problems at freezing temps too.
I have not tried taking a stove on a bike yet, but when I was recently researching camping stoves, one thing I read in several web pages was that the white-gas ones work much better than the canister stoves when you get to high altitude or cold weather, and put out a lot more BTU in any weather.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: white gas or cannister stove for month long trip in Wyoming/Montana
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2010, 05:43:56 pm »
I have not tried taking a stove on a bike yet, but when I was recently researching camping stoves, one thing I read in several web pages was that the white-gas ones work much better than the canister stoves when you get to high altitude or cold weather, and put out a lot more BTU in any weather.

I switched to an alcohol stove from a white-gas stove.  I will give you my reasons.

An acohol stove lis a lighter, more simplier mechanism.  If your only goal is to just boil something, then a white-gas stove is up to the task.  For cooking, I prefer the cooking flame of an alcohol stove, it is a flame of a more appropriate temperature.  Yes you will burn more fuel, but you can get alcohol at any gas station or hardware store.   Most of us do not camp in sub freezing temperatures, and most of us do not camp at altitude.

I keep my MSR Whisperlite International around in case I ever do any winter camping.