Author Topic: Weather Conditions?  (Read 16898 times)

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Offline fuzzyrider

Weather Conditions?
« on: May 23, 2010, 11:57:01 am »
A group of us will be starting the NT route on June 15th.  Can someone that lives in the area tell us what to expect for weather conditions for the first few weeks of this trip (to Cut Bank MT)?  I’m not really sure what to bring in terms of clothing.  My pack is getting much heavier than I thought and I don’t want to leave the winter clothing gear behind if it’s going to be needed.  Thank you!


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Re: Weather Conditions?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 06:15:52 pm »
The ACA map Section 1 gives you the range of high and low temperatures and the average precip for each month. The National Weather Service web site shows the same, but needs a big of digging through mountains of data. Remember, this is climate, not weather, so being prepared for somewhat greater extremes would be prudent. You can mail stuff home after you leave the mountains.


Offline johnsondasw

Re: Weather Conditions?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 12:56:32 am »
You should have rain gear, golves, and shoe covers.  You can get very variable weather then, anything from snow in the mountains to 90 degrees in the lower areas.  IN the same day, even, you can get snowed on and then use sunscreen in the afternoon. 
May the wind be at your back!

Offline vanvalks

Re: Weather Conditions?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 05:39:14 pm »
The route starts on the wet, west side of the Cascade mountains.  Currently, there is about 10' of snow still on the ground over Washington Pass, although the road is OK.  The east side of the mountains is desert dry.  Daytime highs of 90 degrees are common at the end of june, but remember that you still have several mountain passes to get over, so it will be cold at 6,000' in the mornings and evenings.  I strongly recommend good rain gear for the first few days ride--hypothermia is a real issue in these parts in this time of year.



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Re: Weather Conditions?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 01:09:01 pm »
The route starts on the wet, west side of the Cascade mountains.  Currently, there is about 10' of snow still on the ground over Washington Pass, although the road is OK.  The east side of the mountains is desert dry.  Daytime highs of 90 degrees are common at the end of june, but remember that you still have several mountain passes to get over, so it will be cold at 6,000' in the mornings and evenings.  I strongly recommend good rain gear for the first few days ride--hypothermia is a real issue in these parts in this time of year.


Have done the western part of the NT (from Seattle to Glacier NP) twice and I could not agree more.  Cold, heavy rain on the S. Skagit Highway both times.  Got rained and snowed on climbing Rainy and Washington Passes both times.  Also got snowed on climbing Sherman Pass the first time.  While I was maybe a week and a half earlier than you, you might still encounter weather like that.  You can always mail stuff home later.

Offline andresimonpietri

Northern Tier West to East: What is Recommended earliest starting date?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 05:31:07 pm »
Considering riding the NT in 2011.  What are recommended starting dates so as to minimize freezing/snow weather?


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Re: Northern Tier West to East: What is Recommended earliest starting date?
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2010, 02:24:33 pm »
Considering riding the NT in 2011.  What are recommended starting dates so as to minimize freezing/snow weather?

Which direction?

See my post above regarding my experience going west to east twice from Seattle starting the last week in May.  And note that there has been heavy mountain snow so far this season, although that doesn't necessarily translate into cold and snow later on.

While I found the conditions epic (see link below, which was taken in '99 near Washington Pass) and enjoyed the lack of vacation vehicle traffic, if I were to do it next year I would probably leave later for one reason:  Going to the Sun Road in Glacier Nat'l Park has been opening somewhat later than normal recently.  You don't want to miss that.  There is a major road rehab project that will continue next year.  Whichever way you go, and whatever time you start, make sure to check the parks official site for road closure and delay information.