Author Topic: Water Filter on the Sierra Cacades Route?  (Read 6453 times)

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Offline staehpj1

Water Filter on the Sierra Cacades Route?
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:28:48 pm »
I originally posted this over on the crazy guy on a bike forums, but am posting here too in the hope that someone who is familiar with the route might pipe up.  If not is there any chance the question could be forwarded to Bil Paul?

I carried a filter for a portion of the TA before sending it home. My plan was to leave it home for the Sierra Cascades Route. A few folks have suggested that on this route it might be worth carrying.

My daughter pointed out that while we only used it a few times on the TA, on this trip much of the route is similar to the portion of the TA where we actually used the filter. She also pointed out that sometimes it makes safe but nasty tasting water more palatable. I know that I have trouble staying hydrated when the water tastes nasty, so that could be a significant advantage. Her opinion was that we should take it and she is usually the sensible one on the tour :)

I have an MSR Sweetwater filter and as filters go I like it fine. Is it worth the extra 11 or so ounces, considering that the filter will be shared between the two of us?

Will it offset the need to carry as much water on this particular route? If so it could possibly actually reduce the load carried.

Offline JHamelman

Re: Water Filter on the Sierra Cacades Route?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 11:45:08 am »
Pete and I heard from Bil and this is what he had to say about the need for a water filter on the Sierra Cascades:

I'm the guy [Bil Paul] who developed and researched the Sierra Cascades route and glad to answer your question about carrying a water filter. Most places, there are enough towns and campgrounds along the way for you to get your water supplied. The places where there aren't that many resupply and piped water points are North Cascades National Park in WA, the area around Mt. St. Helens (Pinchot National Forest) in WA, the area between Mt. Hood and Detroit Lakes in OR, the area south of Lake Isabella (before Techachapi) in southern CA, and perhaps Road S1 south of Julian -- I think it's also called the Sunrise Hwy.

Myself, I always carry a water filter on all tours as a matter of course. I carried one on my last tour along a portion of the Western Express route and never used it once, but still nice to have.

So there you have it. I hope that helps!


Jennifer Hamelman

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