Author Topic: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals  (Read 26055 times)

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Offline Galloper

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2010, 06:27:40 am »
I prefer mtb shoes which I use with Shimano M540 (I think, not absolutely sure about the number) pedals which are reversible with one side flat and the other fitted for a cleat.   Best of both worlds as they can be ridden in ordinary shoes if needed.   Also handy if you lose a cleat on the road. :(

Offline staehpj1

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2010, 10:28:17 am »
I am planning my first tour this summer.  6-7 days along the OR and CA coast.  I have both MTB SPD shoes/pedals plus road shoes and pedals with Looks style cleats.  I really like the idea of using my MTB set up for the comfort and ease of walking around.  That said the fit of my bike is very important as I have found myself to be very biomechanically sensitive.  A centimeter off and I suffer on long rides.  My bike is perfectly set up for me and changing something as important as shoes, pedals, and cleats is not worth it.  I will be sticking with my road shoes and cleat covers.  If I wasn't so finicky I would be using an SPD set up with MTB shoes for sure.

I can see doing that.   While I prefer to tour in MTB shoes, walking in Look cleats with Kool Kovers is really not that bad at least for going into stores and other short walks.  I don't think I would want them to be my only shoes, but if you have Crocs, running shoes, or sandals to change into in camp and for hikes I don't see the Looks as a huge hardship for short distance walking.

Offline DaveB

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2010, 06:46:57 pm »
That said the fit of my bike is very important as I have found myself to be very biomechanically sensitive...... My bike is perfectly set up for me and changing something as important as shoes, pedals, and cleats is not worth it.  I will be sticking with my road shoes and cleat covers.  If I wasn't so finicky I would be using an SPD set up with MTB shoes for sure.
The main difference between road pedals/shoes and MTB pedals/shoes will be the stack height, that is the distance between the pedal spindle and your foot.  Typically MTB shoes and pedals position your foot further away.  Try to measure this distance for both your road and MTB set ups and raise your seat by the same amount.  That should make the bike feel the same.

Offline EnduroDoug

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2010, 10:33:40 am »
Another vote for mountain. I've been running SPD-like cleats (Time ATACs to be exact) for over a decade and can unclip and get my foot down just as fast as as anyone riding platform pedals or toe-clips. Not that I need to often, being able to track-stand for a few seconds buys you some extra time.

There were some really good points made about traction, comfort, and being able to walk around in stores (or on ferries) without looking like a duck. I have the newer Shimano Look-style pedals on one of my bikes and though the shoes are super stiff and really comfortable when pedaling, I wouldn't even consider taking them on a tour.

Just picked up a pair of the Pearl Izumi clipless sneakers and really like them so far. When touring, I don't want to look like I'm part of the spandex mafia or that I'm out for a "workout" and I really liked the blend of casual styling with moderate stiffness in the sole.

Offline jsieber

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2010, 12:56:22 pm »

Just picked up a pair of the Pearl Izumi clipless sneakers and really like them so far. When touring, I don't want to look like I'm part of the spandex mafia or that I'm out for a "workout" and I really liked the blend of casual styling with moderate stiffness in the sole.

I just got a pair of these as well and have been super happy with them so far.

Offline sanuk

Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2010, 09:43:50 am »
I'm planning on switching to Shimano combination pedals so I have the option of using cleats/clips or going without.  So far the most I've had are a pair of toe clips on my mountain bike, which I ride mainly on the flat anyway, and found they help just in reducing the fear of my foot slipping off.  Seemingly some of the lighter weight 'sandal' types of cleated shoes are OK for walking around in too.  That would be necessary for me.  I usually just wear sandals or sandal type footwear on a regular type of pedal, but in the wet it's easy to slip.  But it's the much touted advantage of cleats on hills that I'm mostly interested in.  Anything that helps get me up hills has got to be the way to go.