My June issue of Adventure Cycling Mag just arrived in the mail and I was delighted to finally see a recumbent on the cover. I was even more pleased to see several positive articles on 'bents w/in the issue. One article is titled: "Getting Bent or How I Learned to Love Riding a Recumbent". Another is by John Schubert on a history of bents: "Testing, Testing, Testing, These comfortable bikes have been actively sold to the public for 30 years now". And their Open Road Gallery photo is of a rider touring on a delta trike.
My one disapointment with ACA membership has been the nearly complete lack of bent photos/coverage in the AC magazine, the Cyclosource catalog, and the new member materials sent out when new members join. (Yes, there was a separate small section in the touring bike buyers guide a while back, but there are rarely any shots of recumbents on tour.) I applaud ACA for finally providing this kind of coverage.
Recumbents aren't for everybody, but for many folks they provide a way to tour with little or no butt/genital, back, neck, wrist, or hand pain. They also put you in a forward facing position rather than downward. After riding all day, I still feel it comfortable to sit on the bike. For me and others, recumbents are the ultimate touring bicycle.
Thanks again, ACA, and I'll close with the last paragraph from John Schubert's article:
[COLOR="Blue"]None of this matters if you feel free to set your own trends in life, and there's little doubt the recumbent's superior comfort makes it an excellent choice for those willing to think differently.[/COLOR]