Hey everyone, I rode again the same 53 miles today in 4 hours instead of the previous 5.5 hours with my friends lagging behind
So assuming I'm getting up at sun rise and having only small stops, I should be done with my daily mileage (60) for the day at 11 AM, leaving plenty of time to be bored lol.
I lift weights during the week but this endurance exercise and being outdoor is awesome and I feel great afterwards!
But I'm pissed now. Thanks to Quebec's bumpy roads, my wheels are a bit deformed now. It occured previously and the mechanics insisted I didn't need to change wheels, but just twist the metal bars inside the wheels to make it straight again. However it always comes back and deforms, it's a pain. Now it rubs on the brakes and the front wheel even stopps spinning after a few turns when I spin it in the air. I also had a flat yesterday and bought the tools to change it next time. Crappy bike...
I bought 43$ standard cycling shorts. However today I tried riding with thicker cotton boxers to see the difference, it was a bit better than the polyester thin ones. Thing is I'll have to wash the shorts often (no underwear) and it takes space to have 5 pairs...
I have a 1.5 inch self-inflating sleeping pad and tried sleeping on it in my apartment (on wooden floor). It was not so bad but I didn't sleep too well. Considering space and weight limitations and my back problems history I might change my plans to motels only, more mileage per day.
I might need metal shoes for the aggressive cars that get too close so I can kick and scratch their doors
Yeah if the Mullica River is still under repair I will cross it more west (Lower Bank Rd). That's a really swampy area