Author Topic: Sri Lanka in september  (Read 8222 times)

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Offline metalchloe

Sri Lanka in september
« on: July 06, 2010, 03:14:24 pm »

Anyone have info on touring in Sri Lanka?  I am planning a trip this September where I will have 10 days to explore.  Advice is much appreciated!!  My questions are:

- are there any books, people i should be looking into?

- given the current political climate (which is relatively good compared to previous years and to other countries), is it safe to tour alone as a 30yo english speaking female?

- are the roads safe?  i have heard of the dangers in certain parts of India, but imagine a different country = different scene.

- any rec' routes/areas?  i would like to board at night versus camp, so housing ~50km/day is ideal. 

- any misc info about sri lanka, or things to pack?

Please pass the word along to anyone, as I have found little resources on this country and touring. 
