Author Topic: Bicycling from Lewiston Idaho to Boise  (Read 5323 times)

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Offline dfege

Bicycling from Lewiston Idaho to Boise
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:43:25 am »
I will be touring from Lewiston to Boise in a week or so (after starting in Portland).  Can anyone tell me about the route, taking 95 out of Lewiston and then taking 55 south to Boise.  Is there much traffic? How is the scenery?  Is there camping along the way? Any reason I shouldn't take this route?  Would appreicate any help you can give me.

Offline windrath

Re: Bicycling from Lewiston Idaho to Boise
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 08:54:13 pm »
I cannot tell you anything about 55 south to Boise.  95 east out of Lewiston has limited shoulders and fast traffic.  My suggestion is ride on Sunday/weekday morning - early.

ANd, before leaving Lewison, have an Effie Burger on me?


Offline dfege

Re: Bicycling from Lewiston Idaho to Boise
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 12:15:54 pm »

We have been back from our trip a few weeks now and wanted to get back to you.  We had a great ride from Lewiston to Boise.  We followed the Lewis and Clark route until Kooskia, and then actually the Trans-Am route (although didn't know it at the time) until New Meadows when we got on 55.  55 was fine.  There are some areas where there are no shoulders.  And it especially got a little tense between Cascade and Smith's Ferry where the road goes through a canyon and there is absolutely no shoulder.  But the scenery is wonderful, the small towns are fun and everyone was friendly.  There were a couple of good climbs, one in McCall and the second after Horseshoe Bend.  Would definitely recommend this route.  Dave