Author Topic: The Green Moutain State  (Read 8617 times)

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Offline ColoradoKid

The Green Moutain State
« on: July 31, 2010, 06:54:43 pm »
We are planning to tour VT (tandem loaded, pulling a trailer) and we would love to find a route that wouldn't kill us on the uphill. It would be nice to see some covered bridges and other stuff. Any thoughts would be most welcome.

Offline oldgroundhog

Re: The Green Moutain State
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 08:49:21 pm »
My wife and I just cycled 1,100 miles in VT, NH, and ME this summer.  The easiest routes go North-South in Vermont.  Crossing the state East-West requires several steep crossings of the Green Mountains.   Brandon Pass, a typical pass was a 12% grade for 4 miles.   We used a VT highway map, and it showed all the covered bridge locations.  Happy cycling!

Offline Tourista829

Re: The Green Moutain State
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 09:46:23 pm »
We have a Santana Tandem. if you have a low gear of say 19" you should be able to climb almost anything. One can never go too low a gear, on a tandem especially climbing hills in Vt. You'll be spinning up the mountain yes you will. I always worry on my tandem, with our trailer attached, that it is too long. Keep the weight as low as possible and have fun. FYI, Terry moved to Burlington, Vt. maybe your sign other would enjoy a visit.


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Re: The Green Moutain State
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 08:17:18 am »
Brandon Pass, a typical pass was a 12% grade for 4 miles.

Which direction did you ride Brandon Gap?  We west to east on a Northern Tier route detour.  Out of all the hills I did on that entire trip, Brandon was the one I thought I might have to walk on for a bit.

Doing AC's supported Cycle Vermont tour in less than two weeks.  Wondering if I should bring the 11x28 instead of the 11x26.


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Re: The Green Moutain State
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 08:48:02 am »
+1 on Brandon Gap. On my cross-country ride, I walked only two passes: Sonora in the Sierras and Brandon Gap. It is a pleasant walk though <grin>.

I live in Vermont and ride most of the Green Mountains Loop routes from time to time. You will not regret the lower gear, even without the full load on your steed.



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Re: The Green Moutain State
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2010, 02:12:29 pm »
+1 on Brandon Gap. On my cross-country ride, I walked only two passes: Sonora in the Sierras and Brandon Gap. It is a pleasant walk though <grin>.

I live in Vermont and ride most of the Green Mountains Loop routes from time to time. You will not regret the lower gear, even without the full load on your steed.


Thanks.  The 11x28 arrives tomorrow.  With my compact crank, hopefully that will be enough.  If not, I will be walking since it's too late to get a refund of the cost of the trip.  :)