Author Topic: Pacific Coast - Section 3, Panel 33 - March 2011  (Read 6925 times)

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Offline cgarch

Pacific Coast - Section 3, Panel 33 - March 2011
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:51:56 pm »
There is a slide just 4.7 miles north of Garberville that completely covers 101 - see map panel 33. In this area there is no alternate. Closure is expected up to two weeks. CalTrans is recommending detours that take you over to I-5 - that's a long ways. More info here

Santa Rosa, CA

Update 4 April 2011: I would imagine bikes can get through now.

Route 101 (15.5) – Slide repairs 1.0 mile north of Dean Creek will continue. A full road closure is in effect. The alternate route for motorists is Interstate 5, which can be reached north of the slide from Routes 36 or 299 and south of the slide by Route 20. Beginning Monday, April 4, the highway will be open to one-way traffic from 6AM to 6PM daily. These conditions may change daily, so please call 1-800-427-7623 or visit for the latest road information. Contractor – J. F. Shea Company, Incorporated, of Redding. LC#C101XX
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 11:49:45 pm by cgarch »