Author Topic: Hard times  (Read 19694 times)

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Offline roslynrhonda

Re: Hard times
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2010, 11:13:09 pm »
We are also being very frugal.  It is amazing the great used gear that you can find at the Goodwill, St. Vinnies or on Craigslist and garage sales.  Plan early, and allow time to shop for the bargain and it really helps. Our bikes are great investments to physical and mental health, and worth every penny we spend to maintain them. We even have studded snow tires for our bikes and can enjoy them all winter (pretty harsh in the mountains of WA state!) Being able to take a trip to Hawaii and depend our bikes for transportation sure beats renting a car and will be much less expensive and a great way to get around the island rain or shine!

Offline crawdadslim

Re: Hard times
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2010, 12:05:15 am »


I've noticed Artisans seem to be hanging in there better than the mass market cheapie stuff lately. Glad to see it personally.

To be fair, I am working my butt off to stay ahead.  A lot of people are not making it, and i am buying equipment at pennies on the dollar from those who are giving up.   Used to have made in usa stickers on my work, but stopped when I realized that what was selling my work is sentiment, rather than the quality.   


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Re: Hard times
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2010, 10:08:55 am »
I have a pretty secure job, and my wife and I have, surprisingly, ended up financially solid at this point in our lives--50-ish.  So, if anything, we are freer to tour and do whatever.  As a community college teacher with tenure, I've pretty much got it made so long as I don't beat any students with a rock--and sometimes I'm tempted! :-\  And, to be honest in this discussion, MOST Americans--by a very wide margin--are employed and doing ok.  It's just that we have a larger percentage of unemployed and underemployed than we've had in a long time.  Keep in mind that the news agencies/media have a keen motivation to tell us all is in ruins: It sells.


We are starting from 14.3% living at or below the poverty line.  Add on top of that the poor and those just above that category and that "very wide margin" doesn't look so wide.

Offline DwarvenChef

Re: Hard times
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2010, 03:40:05 pm »
I'm a cook, the ammount od kitchens closing every month has sky rocketed compared to regular ecconomic times. And we get paid less, work harder, and have less options than just a couple years ago...

I'm looking everywhere and anywhere for deals on gear. I splurged and got my Jendd Expidition rack from their "Seconds" offerings. They assured me it was structurally sound but with scuffs and such. When I got it and checked all the welds, I was impressed by thier "Seconds" selection cause this rach looks great :) So far Creigs list has been a bust in my area, but I keep looking :)
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Offline litespeed

Re: Hard times
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2010, 12:07:51 pm »
"No effect.  If you do it right, touring cost little more than staying at home."

Bicycle touring is certainly one of the cheapest ways to travel. If you have superb personal skills and/or are willing to camp in the wild it can even be cheaper than staying at home. Personally, bicycle touring costs me a bit more than staying home. I stay in campgrounds with the occasional cheap motel. Also I'm not a gregarious person so I rarely get invited to stay with people. Still, I am more at home on my bicycle than anywhere else. I'm off for a month in a few weeks. I can't wait. I've never regretted the money I spent on my touring bike and gear.