Author Topic: From Pennsylvania to New York City  (Read 10002 times)

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Offline Ridefor146

From Pennsylvania to New York City
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:51:49 pm »
We are planning a ride for a nonprofit organization called Love 146 (fights the exploitation and slavery of children worldwide).  We are riding from downtown Indianapolis, Indiana to New York City at the end of September.  We are having some difficulty planning the last part of the route- entry into New York City.  Originally, we were going to ride into New Jersey and then into the city but we were recommended not to go that route. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on riding from around Dover, Pennsylvania to New York City?  We could use all the help we can get!  Our ride is called "Ride for 146" and you can view our route so far at under our blog page.


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Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 12:56:29 pm »
If you want to ride into NYC you must ride through NJ as the only way to ride into Manhattan is over the George Washington Bridge which connects NYC with NJ. 

There are other options, such as ferries from NJ.  I have an interesting route from Philadelphia to Hoboken, NJ, where you can take either a ferry or the PATH train into Manhattan.  The former drops you at the bike path along the Hudson River.  The latter lets you off at "Ground Zero."

I will send you a PM later in the day with more info.

Offline litespeed

Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 03:09:29 pm »
I have bicycled in and out of Hoboken and NYC plenty of times. The only time I came in from the west was along 46 until I had to get off around Little Falls then pick my way through city streets to the GWB. I have ferried into NYC from NJ (originating here in Florida) a number of times on the Seastreak ferries - from South Amboy (no longer in service) and Atlantic Highlands. Bicycling north of Philadelphia/Trenton and across NJ to Atlantic Highlands should not be hard. This would let you avoid cities.

From the north entering NYC is simple enough - just go down 9W along the Hudson to the GWB.

A Philadelphia-Hoboken bicycle route seems very tricky but I guess it could be done with careful planning. Sounds interesting.


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Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 09:14:49 am »
A Philadelphia-Hoboken bicycle route seems very tricky but I guess it could be done with careful planning. Sounds interesting.

A great man worked out the details back in '94:

The nightime view of lower Manhattan from the Brooklyn Heights promenade is one of the great ubran views in the world.  You can even see the Statue of Liberty in the distance.

Offline leicrao1

Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2010, 01:55:17 pm »
My brother in law and I have just returned to the UK after doing LA to NY in 29 days. We rode through the northern suburbs of Indianapolis, similarly around Columbus, crossing the Ohio river at Wheeling and then taking route S (mostly) through southern Pennsylvania, crossing the Delaware at Lambertville and following the Delaware Raritan trail to South Bound Brook. We then ploughed straight through some of the most godforsaken parts of Newark (I thought parts of south London were grim!) before checking into the Hilton opposite Penn station. Then it was the PATH train over to ground zero in the morning as we couldn't face the ride up the river to G Washington bridge and back down. Someone on here was saying heading to NY through southern PA was really horrible but we found it great. Let me know if you want any specific advice.



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Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2010, 10:04:45 am »
I had some basic communication with the OP and sent them my route, but they never followed up with me to talk logistics in depth or to even thank me.  Seems rude.

Offline litespeed

Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2010, 10:35:34 am »
 "Someone on here was saying heading to NY through southern PA was really horrible but we found it great. Let me know if you want any specific advice"

I love bicycling in SE Pennsylvania - lots of good cheap food, plenty of fudge and ice cream shops, good roads with fat shoulders and courteous motorists. Bicycling is always good in Amish country.

Offline staehpj1

Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2010, 10:53:10 am »
yeah, they are really rude to me.
Maybe it is another case where the real purpose of the post was to promote their web site.  It wouldn't be the first time that happened.  That said, I hope that is not the case.


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Re: From Pennsylvania to New York City
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2010, 09:36:32 am »
I think they were legit as the OP sent me a PM with her email address.  I gave them a route map and other advice about connecting from their "dead end" point to my route to NYC.  But there was additional info. I needed from them re: things like lodging and daily mileage plans.  I never heard a peep back.  Oh well.